
Checks for nagios iis

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Nagios checks for microsoft iis v8 and 8.5


  • Powershell
  • Internet Information Server

Working with NSCLient++

Drop the checks into C:\Program Files\NSClient++\scripts

Write a wrapper function in ncslient.ini

[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
     # Requires allow arguments=true
      check_iis8_app_pool_state = powershell.exe scripts\check_iis8_app_pool_state.ps1 $ARG1$
      check_default_app_pool = powershell.exe scripts\check_iis8_app_pool_state.ps1 DefaultAppPool
      # Requires allow arguments=true
      check_iis8_website = powershell.exe scripts\check_iis8_site.ps1 $ARG1$
      check_default_website = powershell.exe scripts\check_iis8_site.ps1 'Default Web Site'
      check_connections = powershell.exe scripts\check_iis8_connections.ps1 localhost 'Default Web Site' 3000 4000

To test your command in nsclient, use

      C:\Program Files\NSClient++\nscp.exe test

To test your command in powershell, first import module

Import-Module WebAdministration
check_iis8_connections.ps1 localhost 'Default Web Site' 3000 4000