TRAEFIK Installation


                      Ingress Service: To access from outside
=======               =========
Ingress      <-----   Ingress Controller
=======               =========
   ^          ^
Service A    Service B


  1. Security

kubectl create -f src/02.traefik-cluster-role.yaml
kubectl create -f src/03.traefik-cluster-role-binding.yaml
kubectl create -f src/01.traefik-service-account.yaml
  1. Create Ingress Controller that will implement Ingress rules

kubectl create -f src/04.ingress-controller-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f src/04.ingress-controller-service.yaml

Access the Traefik web UI service. kubectl services -→ Take the port: localhost:PORT/web

  1. Create test apps, service and routes

kubectl create -f src/06.test-application.yaml
kubectl create -f src/07.ingress.yaml


kubectl delete -f src/07.ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f src/06.test-application.yaml
kubectl delete -f src/04.ingress-controller-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f src/03.traefik-cluster-role-binding.yaml
kubectl delete -f src/02.traefik-cluster-role.yaml
kubectl delete -f src/01.traefik-service-account.yaml