is a live airline web app that communicates with a proprietary API and displays the real-time list of flights scheduled at any world-wide airport.
I used this project as a vehicle for learning. The goal was to work on every aspect of a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js) application, from design to deployment.
- Front end built w/ ReactStrap (React + Boostrap)
- Managed state w/ React redux
- Styled components w/ Bootstrap & managed CSS w/ SCSS
- Managed animations w/ libraries like Tippy & Framer motion
- Built a controlled form w/ validation using libraries like Formik & Yup
- Ensured responsiveness and compatibility w/ mobile devices
- Deployed using an AWS EC2 instance
- configured server w/ Nginx
- Configured the DNS & TLS w/ Cloudflare
- Built a custom RESTful API using the Express library w/ Node
- Built an endpoint that supplies resources from an external API
- Added support for sign up, log in & adding/deleting favorites
- Used Mongo as a non-relational database w/ the help of libraries like Mongoose
- Implemented Google’s O Auth 2.0 token strategy with Passport.js
- Used JSON Web Tokens and signed cookies to handle all authorization on the server endpoints
- Refactor SCSS, define a nomanclature for classes
- Rearange the folder structure
- Refactor code to utilize Reactstrap instead of React + Bootstrap
- Implement the use of a refresh token for server authorization
- Implement Twitter's and Github's O Auth 2.0 token strategy
- Build a card that shows more details about a selected flight
- Optimize for accesibility
- Improve flight recomendations
- Add support for testing in development mode