
An analysis for a surf shop using Jupyter and SQLite

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project Overview

An analysis was conducted for investor W.Avy to project information such as precitipation, temperature, stations, and etc. By creating this business plan, it would help him determine if investing in a surf and ice cream shop is a good investment. Seasonal data(summer and winter) from Oahu was gathered to determine whether seasons could affect business.


  1. Data Source:
  • hawaii.sqlite
  • climate_analysis.ipynb
  1. Software:
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • SQLite

Seasonal Data: Month of June

Two statistical data were ran to show key statisticals: 1) every year for the month of June's temperature 2) year 2017 month of June's temperature

Every Year Data


The image shows that in the month of June for every year, there is a count of 1,7000 days in the dataset, a mean of 74.94 for weather temperature, with a min of 64 degrees and a max of 85 degrees.

Year 2017 Data


The image shows that in the month of June for 2017, there is a count of 191 days in the dataset, a mean of 77.22 for weather temperature, with a min of 71 degrees and a max of 83 degrees.

Seasonal Data: Month of December

Two statistical data were ran to show key statisticals: 1) every year for the month of Decembers's temperature 2) year 2016 month of December's temperature

Every Year Data


The image shows that in the month of December for every year, there is a count of 1,517 days in the dataset, a mean of 71.04 for weather temperature, with a min of 56 degrees and a max of 83 degrees.

Year 2016 Data


The image shows that in the month of December for 2016, there is a count of 200 days in the dataset, a mean of 71.13 for weather temperature, with a min of 60 degrees and a max of 78 degrees.


Between the month of June and December, June has a higher mean of 74.94(all years) and 77.22(2017) degrees compared to December's mean of 71.04(all years) and 71.13(2016). The average range between June's min and max is 67.5 - 84 degrees, and the average range between December's min and max is 58 - 80.5 degrees. June and December's temperature range overlap each other with a slight difference. Profits will have bigger gains in June, however it would not be too worrisome for profits in December, because December's mean and range is not substantially different from June.


Further analysis might need to be considered as possible outliers such as unexpected temperature drops due to rain could change the average temperature. Also, another consideration would be to include other months for temperature average: include July for summer, and January for winter. This would give a better understanding for longer periods of time and to see if there were significant changes.


Based on the data analysis, there were not significant changes in the weather between June and December. This is shown from all the years that weather's average temperature did not change substantially: June average was 74.94 and 77.22 degrees, December average was 71.04 and 71.13 degrees. This analysis would help W.Avy to determine if this would be a good investment in the surf and ice cream shop just solely on temperature.