- thumbnail 960 x 640
- cover 1600 x 640
- gear item 480 x 480
- carousel 1200 x 583 (1600 x 739)
Font: Gentium Basic Book (bold)
Colors: #404040
Youtube thumbnail
- Font: Deja Vu Sans (Bold) | 136 size
- main title 136 size
, with#000000
back at 4,4 offset - date 64 size
- main title 136 size
We use gulp to build our website
npm install
to install all packages from the package.json filegulp
Running website locallygulp build
Build website
Non-trail poststrails.json
Day by day pctgearlist.json
- custom gear list
File: src/res/trails.json
- type
- none : thru-hike, simply omit the field altogether
- 1 : section hike
- 2 : short (< 1 week or just a random short trip)
- -1 : don't render
Example trail
"id": 13,
"caption": "Traumpfad",
"desc": "Munich to Venice across the Austrian Alps and Dolomites in Northern Italy",
"author": "sander",
"url": "",
"date": "August 2022",
"distance": 550,
"elevation": 24.380,
"thumb": "t_dreampath.jpg",
"flags": ["germany", "austria", "italy"]
File: src/res/trail-cover.json
"id": 13,
"title": "Dream Path",
"subtitle": "Munich to Venice",
"date": "August 2022",
"cover": "c_dreampath.jpg"
File: src/res/gearlist.json
"id": 43,
"name": "Revelation Sleeping Quilt",
"note": "Enlightened Equipment -6°C",
"img": "revelation-quilt.png",
"url": "https://enlightenedequipment.com/revelation-custom",
"weight": 670
File: src/res/<filename>.json
Ex: trampfad.json see below
Gear categories with list of indices from the above gearlist json (see gear.txt for easy reference)consumable
List of indices of all consumable gearwearable
List of indices of all wearable gear
Gear quantity is by default set to 1.
In case another quantity is needed, write the index as a float with the decimal part being the quantity.
Ex 7.2 in Clothes - worn in the below example means item at index 7 with quantity 2.
"title": "Traumpfad 2022",
"gear": {
"Big 3": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"Clothes - worn": [6, 7.2, 37, 38],
"Clothes - in pack": [32, 34, 37],
"Cookware": [8, 9, 10, 13, 11, 12, 14.2, 15, 16],
"Electronics": [31, 39, 17, 18, 30, 20, 22, 5, 23, 21.2],
"Misc": [24, 25, 26]
"consumable": [10],
"wearable": [6, 7, 37, 38, 17]
dynamic loaded HTML header and footer -
author imagesflags
flag imagesicon
small icons- css files and custom fonts
fontawesome fonts -
post cover image 1600 x 640 pxthumb
tile thumbnails 960 x 640 pxgear
gear images 480 x 480 pxhike
subfolders for hike blog html pagespct
pct imagesthumb-pct
tile thumbnails for pct days- html icon
javascript -
pct daily blog html files -
.json configuration files -
index.html Main page
trails.html Trails main page
gear.html Gear main page
about.html About page
script to get list of all gear in src/res/gearlist.jsongear.txt
output of gear.pygulpfile.js
gulp script gulp and gulp buildpackage.json
npm install to install all needed node.js packages for this repoREADME.md