
The Solace calculator is the ultimate multi-mode tool, offering advanced calculations, conversions, and customizable themes in one sleek package.

Primary LanguageC++

❤️ Solace

The Solace calculator is the ultimate multi-mode tool, offering advanced calculations, conversions, and customizable themes in one sleek package.

😊 Collaborator(s)

I'm collaborating with my cute girlfriend on this advanced open-source calculator project! 😳

🌌 Setup

[+] Clone the repo
[+] Follow the guide in main.cpp (coming up)
[+] Understand the code.
[+] Copy & paste the code, or learn from it :)
[+] Build in Release | x86
[+] Profit

🪲 Error Fixes

If you encounter any issues or errors related to the includes on "d3dx9.h," make sure you have installed the DirectX SDK from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812.

To resolve the include errors, follow these additional steps:

	• Open the project properties.
	• Go to "C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories" and click the arrow on the right.
	• Click "Edit" and add the following text: "$(DXSDK_DIR)include".
	• Go to "VC++ Directories -> Library Directories," click the arrow again.
	• Click "Edit" and add the following: "$(DXSDK_DIR)LIB\x86".
	• Click "Apply" to save the changes.
	• Go to linker -> input and add the following: d3d9.lib
	• Once completed, the error should be resolved.

Note: Ensure that you include the double quotation marks when adding them to your properties! (this is not needed for d3d9.lib)

🚀 Enjoy

Have fun using this super advanced and easy-to-use calculator! Just so you know, we're still working on adding final touches.

FYI: This tool isn't fully done yet. Version: Early Alpha