The Solace calculator is the ultimate multi-mode tool, offering advanced calculations, conversions, and customizable themes in one sleek package.
I'm collaborating with my cute girlfriend on this advanced open-source calculator project! 😳
[+] Clone the repo
[+] Follow the guide in main.cpp (coming up)
[+] Understand the code.
[+] Copy & paste the code, or learn from it :)
[+] Build in Release | x86
[+] Profit
If you encounter any issues or errors related to the includes on "d3dx9.h," make sure you have installed the DirectX SDK from
To resolve the include errors, follow these additional steps:
• Open the project properties.
• Go to "C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories" and click the arrow on the right.
• Click "Edit" and add the following text: "$(DXSDK_DIR)include".
• Go to "VC++ Directories -> Library Directories," click the arrow again.
• Click "Edit" and add the following: "$(DXSDK_DIR)LIB\x86".
• Click "Apply" to save the changes.
• Go to linker -> input and add the following: d3d9.lib
• Once completed, the error should be resolved.
Note: Ensure that you include the double quotation marks when adding them to your properties! (this is not needed for d3d9.lib)
Have fun using this super advanced and easy-to-use calculator! Just so you know, we're still working on adding final touches.
FYI: This tool isn't fully done yet. Version: Early Alpha