
This is a Go library for caching files and detecting a size bound violation on a directory, intended to be used as a simple filesystem cache and monitor.

The cache supports Put, Get, and Delete operations, which should be invoked after each corresponding file interaction, ex. os.Create or os.Open followed by Put. Files least recently changed (LRU) are returned by FileChan.Get() when the size of the monitor's root directory exceeds the specified limit; these files should be Deleted to be fully evicted from the cache.


import (

	cachemon "github.com/estroz/fs-cachemon"

func main() {
	// Cancel this context to stop the cache monitory.
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	// The monitor will watch this cache dir for size that exceeds the threshold below.
	cacheRoot := "/tmp/cache"

	cache := cachemon.NewCache(cacheRoot)

	opts := &cachemon.Options{
		// Begin returning files as soon as cacheRoot exceeds 1 GB in size.
		MaxSizeBytes: 1e9,

	// Start the monitor.
	cacheMon, err := cachemon.Run(ctx, cacheRoot, opts)

	// cacheMon.Next() blocks on no events, so run the monitor loop in a separate goroutine.
	go func() {
		for cacheMon.Next() {
			// Get() the most recent cache eviction.
			result := cacheMon.Get()

			if err := os.RemoveAll(result.FilePath); err != nil {
				log.Printf("error removing cached file: %v", err)
			if err := cache.Delete(result.FilePath); err != nil {
				log.Printf("error deleting file from cache: %v", err)

	// Do other tasks that read to and write from the cache.

	checkErr(ioutil.WriteFile("foo", []byte("blah"), 0777))

	if exists, _ := cache.Get("foo"); exists {
		log.Printf("foo exists")
	if exists, _ := cache.Get("bar"); !exists {
		log.Printf("bar does not exist")

	// Finish up work and make sure no errors occurred.
	if err := cacheMon.Err(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("cache monitor error: %v", err)

func checkErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {