Using the GitHub Copilot Listener

The GitHub Copilot Listener plugin listens to the GitHub Copilot requests and logs them to a file.

GitHub Copilot Listener


Build the plugin

dotnet build

VSCode configuration

To listen to the GitHub Copilot requests in Visual Studio Code, the Dev Proxy must be running and the following settings must be set in the VSCode user settings:

  "http.proxy": "http://localhost:8000",
  "http.proxyStrictSSL": false,

Dev Proxy Configuration

Use the following configuration for the plugin:

Plugin instance definition

  "name": "GitHubCopilotListenerPlugin",
  "enabled": true,
  "pluginPath": "./bin/Debug/net8.0/github-copilot-calls.dll",
  "configSection": "githubCopilotListener"

Configuration example

  "githubCopilotListener": {
    "logPath": "./logs"

Configuration properties

Property Description Default
logPath The path to which the logs need to be written ""

Run the Dev Proxy with the plugin

Once you have created your configuration, you can run the Dev Proxy with the plugin as follows:

