Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more...
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Enhancement: Support Directus and Decap/Sveltia CMS
#926 opened by jechaviz - 8
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Issue: Initialize project does not work correctly
#905 opened by slayer01 - 3
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Issue: Stripping underscore in default filename
#914 opened by lamyseba - 2
Issue: "panel.gitActions" option in view modes is not present in the JSON schema
#909 opened by voltaney - 2
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Enhancement: make filenames url-friendly - remove diacritics and quotes, keep points.
#921 opened by lamyseba - 2
Enhancement: Allow to display other fields in the content view as list (Dashboard)
#910 opened by icytree - 2
Issue: With Hugo, when the preview is opened, every update reloads the CMS panel and the preview steals the input focus!
#918 opened by bernhardkaindl - 1
Issue: The search functionality works in VSCode 1.96.4 but breaks in 1.97 (Incorrect 'index' type error)
#919 opened by HareToAme - 6
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Issue: Generate content types from Astro Content Collection(s) On Initialize Project Not Creating frontmatter.json
#912 opened by RizkyChandra - 4
Issue: [BUG] Filtering on field with multiple values does not work as expected
#895 opened by icytree - 0
Use [official VS Code views](
#907 opened by T3sT3ro - 0
Optimize Actions Placement
#906 opened by T3sT3ro - 4
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Enhancement: Media folder actions
#892 opened by estruyf - 15
Issue: For blogs based on the astro framework, the title of the article is not displayed on the dashboard page.
#896 opened by jimicat - 1
Enhancement: Have you considered adding a heat-map of post and maybe pages based on publish date?
#894 opened by dotjesper - 0
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Enhancement: Open the media dashboard with target media's details drawer when clicking on the media's URI in MDX.
#852 opened by polynook - 1
Issue: Content snippets are shown as Media snippets and vice-versa in the "Snippets" tab
#876 opened by pottekkat - 1
Enhancement: Support VS Code Pre-Releases
#867 opened by nikolay - 3
Enhancement: Add buttons to FM editor toolbar to switch between normal editor and diff editor modes
#884 opened by tohagan - 0
Enhancement: Enable the select all button on when you are navigating to the next page
#878 opened by estruyf - 2
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Enhancement: dynamic evaluation of commands
#882 opened by davidsneighbour - 5
Feedback: Enum/Select in schema fields
#859 opened by davidsneighbour - 9
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#881 opened by zm1355 - 0
Enhancement: In some cases GH Copilot is not ready yet to provide AI suggestions - add retry logic
#873 opened by estruyf - 0
Issue: Inserting media snippets to the article's contents is using the default media markup
#874 opened by estruyf - 0
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Issue: number fields in data view are not using the correct theme CSS variables
#870 opened by estruyf - 1
Issue: Typo on data screen
#860 opened by davidsneighbour - 7
Enhancement: Support Markdown in the WYSIWYG field
#866 opened by estruyf - 1
Issue: Data dashboard > add new item button white on white in a dark theme
#858 opened by davidsneighbour - 4
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Issue: Panel not loading
#855 opened by estruyf - 2