
ppinera.es website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The website is deployed using Netlify

Jekyll template

Minimal mistakes, is a two column responsive Jekyll theme perfect for powering your GitHub hosted blog. http://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/theme-setup/


  1. Git clone the project git@github.com:pepibumur/pepibumur.github.io.git.
  2. Install Bundler dependencies bundle install.
  3. Install Yarn dependencies yarn install.
  4. Execute yarn dev and open

Write about something

If you would like me to write about something, don't hesitate to open a GitHub issue. Just let me know the topic/area you'd be interested about and I'll be happy to write a blog post about it.

Used plugins

  • Emoji: It alows to use emojis in the website
  • FontAwesome: To use Font Awesome in posts {% icon fa-camera-retro %}
  • Jekyll asset path: A liquid tag to output a relative URL for assets based on the jekyll post or page {% asset_path [filename] %}