
Primary LanguageJavaScript


notDiscord is a full stack single page messaging application inspired by Discord. notDiscord was implemented with React and Redux for its frontend and Ruby on Rails for its backend.

Link to live site


Technologies Used

  • React 16.8.6 / Redux 4.0.1 (frontend)
  • Ruby on Rails 5.2.3 (backend)
  • PostgreSQL 2.2.2 (database)
  • Heroku (server)


  • User Authentication

    Users are required to sign up with a username, email, and password to access the app's features. A demo user login feature is available for those who want to try out the site first.

  • Servers

    Users have access to different servers. A server can be made by any user who then becomes its administrator. Only administrators can edit, delete, or share the server's invitation link, which is available via right click.

    Invitation Link

    The invitation link, although only initially accessible by the admin, can be shared with anybody once the admin reveal the information. It is a unique key of characters unique to each server which allows any user to join a server when posted into the 'Join Server' modal. This feature was implemented using custom routes in the backend.

    Join Server Modal

  • Channels

    Channels within servers contain chatrooms for server members to communicate. Anyone within a server can create new channels. The live-chat feature was done using Ruby on Rail's Action Cable and Redis to manage web-socket connections.

  • Friends / Direct Messages

    Besides chatting on channels, users can also create private chatrooms for direct messaging with friends. A search bar on the home page can be used to find other users and add them as friends. After doing so, a user will be able to see their friends listed and also be able to send them a direct message. Receivers of a direct message get them in real time.

    Friends List

  • Online Presence

    The online/offline circle along with other features that required real-time information were also done using Ruby on Rail's Action Cable. An online channel subscribes users as soon as they log in and unsubscribes them when they log out. Statuses of the user were switched in the backend during these processes which enabled others to see their online status in real time. The direct message channel also broadcasted information to this channel to update the presence of a new message in real time.

    class OnlineChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
        def subscribed
            stream_for 'online_channel'
            user = User.find_by(id: params[:currentUserId])
            socket = { id: user.id, email: user.email, username: user.username, 
            online: user.online }
            OnlineChannel.broadcast_to('online_channel', socket)
        def unsubscribed
            stream_for 'online_channel'
            user = User.find_by(id: params[:currentUserId])
            socket = { id: user.id, email: user.email, username: user.username, 
            online: user.online }
            OnlineChannel.broadcast_to('online_channel', socket)

    "user.inserver" and "user.leaveserver" are built in methods in the backend that switch the online status of the user.

Future Features

  • Update search feature for optimization using SQL queries in the backend
  • Hosting images on AWS to allow more diverse user avatars
  • Implement pending feature for friend requests
  • Create modal for confirmation on deletion of servers and channels
  • Add voice channel