
a simple UI and API server packaged with Docker...

Primary LanguageVue


This project was orgininally setup as independent pieces. There were 2 parts:

  • a UI written in Vue, deployed to Vercel
  • an API server written in Node, deployed to Heroku

The original idea came from an Egghead course i took. That course built a UI in React with a backend in Firebase. I wrote my own server to replace Firebase, built with Node and Websockets, just to explore how this all worked. The server part was called fire-notes and that part is in the api folder of this repo. I later rewrote the UI while exploring Vue and that was called git-notes. That UI now lives in the app folder of this repo. To simplify things, the Websocket and server connections aren't encrypted, not a big deal since they only run inside this container and it's not designed to be deployed anywhere.

Since the Free tier of Heroku is going away in November of 2022, i decided to repackage this project as a Docker container. When it's running locally, it exposes the following:


To run this multi-part app:

  1. docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose up
➜  proto-notes-dkr git:(main) ✗ docker-compose up
[+] Running 3/2
 ⠿ Network proto-notes-dkr_backbone  Created                               0.0s
 ⠿ Container proto-notes-dkr-api-1   Created                               0.0s
 ⠿ Container proto-notes-dkr-app-1   Created                               0.0s
Attaching to proto-notes-dkr-api-1, proto-notes-dkr-app-1
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | yarn run v1.22.19
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | $ yarn; node app.mjs
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | [1/4] Resolving packages...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | yarn run v1.22.19
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | $ yarn; vite build; vite preview --host
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | success Already up-to-date.
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | -- Notes Server listening on port 8182
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | -- Websocket Server created on port 8082
proto-notes-dkr-api-1  | -- http://localhost:8182
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | [1/4] Resolving packages...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | [2/4] Fetching packages...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | [3/4] Linking dependencies...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | [4/4] Building fresh packages...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | vite v3.1.3 building for production...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | transforming...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | ✓ 101 modules transformed.
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | rendering chunks...
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | dist/assets/favicon.db74ab0b.ico   4.19 KiB
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | dist/index.html                    1.37 KiB
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | dist/assets/index.4a29606e.css     1.24 KiB / gzip: 0.52 KiB
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  | dist/assets/index.3fed08c7.js      92.85 KiB / gzip: 35.48 KiB
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  |   ➜  Local:   http://localhost:3000/
proto-notes-dkr-app-1  |   ➜  Network:

If you prefer, there are yarn commands to handle all of this:

  • yarn build - docker-compose build
  • yarn start - docker-compose up
  • yarn stop - docker-compose down

These scripts are just a shortcuts to running docker-compose.

You will notice that we're not installing any npm packages locally in order to build and run this app suite. All of that is handled by Docker...

