
Sublime Text 2 build system for DHowett's theos iOS Makefile system.


##Step One First, open theos.sublime-build, and make sure that the 'path' variable is set to your correct system PATH environment variable. ##Step Two Change 'THEOS_DEVICE_IP' and 'THEOS_DEVICE_PORT' accordingly to match your iOS device's SSH settings. ##Step Three Copy theos.sublime-build to Sublime's user package directory. (Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Browse Packages... -> 'User' folder) ##Step Four Change your Sublime project's build system to theos. (Tools -> Build System -> theos) ##Step Five Add the root directory of your theos project to your Sublime project. (Project -> Add Folder to Project) ##Step Six Save your Sublime project inside of your theos project's root directory. (Project -> Save Project As...)


make: Tools -> Build (Command + B)

make package install: Tools -> Run (Command + Shift + B)

make clean: Command + Shift + C