Pinned issues
- 2
[Bug] - esx_script - Hunger/Thirst
#1538 opened by LivedBackwardss - 2
[Bug] - Issue with skinchanger (1.11.4)
#1537 opened by Brutuss - 5
[Feature Request] - es_extended - include duty status in job statebag counter
#1536 opened by Maximus7474 - 4
[Bug] - es_extended - Issue
#1530 opened by Akirabane - 0
Contribution Guidelines
#1524 opened by Kenshiin13 - 3
[Bug] - es_extended - Issue
#1519 opened by austincabler13 - 2
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1520 opened by it-zeusx - 2
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1518 opened by austincabler13 - 16
[Bug] - es_extended coords (position)
#1421 opened by kFxDaKing - 9
[Bug] - clothing shop, mask, ears , etc esx_skin
#1491 opened by Luca8120 - 5
[BUG] ES_Extended | RemoveHudComponents
#1470 opened by Luca8120 - 0
[Bug] ESX_Accessories | Skin menu
#1483 opened by Luca8120 - 13
- 1
[BUG] ES_Extended | Character Creation Menu
#1473 opened by Luca8120 - 1
[BUG] ES_Extended | Logs.lua
#1471 opened by Luca8120 - 1
[BUG] esx_skin | error in F8 console
#1474 opened by Luca8120 - 13
[BUG] New update error
#1442 opened by pepi2003 - 0
[Feature Request] - esx_skin - Add better skin command
#1439 opened by AI-Wall3 - 26
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1391 opened by Deathdomain - 0
[Bug] - es_extended - Issue
#1420 opened by antmmatos - 2
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1412 opened by scrappy592 - 5
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1405 opened by jaimelpdev - 4
- 1
[Feature Request] - es_extended and lib - UI Overhaul and Centralization of ESX on Overextended
#1402 opened by Mesrine67 - 3
[Bug] - Dispatch
#1392 opened by Jason8831 - 2
[Bug] - esx_script - Issue
#1395 opened by justinsanjp - 1
- 1
[Feature Request] - es_extended - Add the bucket to the position column, or create a bucket column, and also esx functions to manage the bucket
#1393 opened by Mesrine67 - 1
qb-policejob bug
#1390 opened by osdaohdph - 1
[Bug] - es_extended - Issue
#1389 opened by RoccoRP - 8
bug(es_extended): wrong wheel indexes
#1377 opened by iSentrie - 1
[Bug] - esx_core - retunr nill
#1386 opened by DyroS3 - 3
[Feature Request] - esx_documentation - Add usage `ESX.RegisterPlayerFunctionOverrides(index, overrides)` and `ESX.SetPlayerFunctionOverride(index)`
#1332 opened by Mesrine67 - 1
[Bug] - esx_script - Tried to spawn vehicle on the client but the position is too far away (Out of onesync range).
#1380 opened by Harry755 - 0
[Bug] - es_extended - GetPlayerFromIdentifier don't work
#1378 opened by iSentrie - 10
[Bug] - @es_extended/server/main get error msg
#1370 opened by Who-is-Cola - 1
[Bug] - es_extended\fxmanifest.lua in line 46
#1369 opened by Who-is-Cola - 1
bug(es_extended): error's out on playerCoords
#1371 opened by iSentrie - 2
[Bug] - es_extended - script
#1360 opened by K1KO11 - 6
[Feature Request] - es_extended - Add promise for getSharedObject to wait until it's fully ready
#1354 opened by s1nyx - 6
[Feature Request] - ADD STATE BAG - isLoggedIn
#1348 opened by Mesrine67 - 6
- 7
[Bug] - es_extended- Default Spawn Random Coords problem
#1345 opened by DARKAOFF - 6
- 4
[Bug] - Ox Inventory does not work with 1.10.5
#1349 opened by SKULL1985 - 1
- 4
- 2
[Bug] - es_extended
#1347 opened by Shafat21 - 1
Website/documentation - account suspended
#1341 opened by iSentrie - 1
[Bug] - esx_addonaccount - Issue = [script:esx_addonacco] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global 'MySQL')
#1337 opened by n0tKp888