Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces

Primary LanguageC++

Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces

C++ demo for "Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces" by Mark Gillespie, Boris Springborn, and Keenan Crane at SIGGRAPH 2021.

PDF: link
Talk (20 minutes): link
Talk (5 minutes): link

Examples of parameterized meshes

This algorithm takes as input a manifold surface mesh and produces parameterizations that are locally injective and discretely conformal in an exact sense. Unlike previous methods for discrete conformal parameterization, the method is guaranteed to work for any manifold triangle mesh, with no restrictions on triangulation quality or cone singularities. Stress tests involving difficult cone configurations and near-degenerate triangulations indicate that the method is extremely robust in practice, and provides high-quality interpolation even on meshes with poor elements.

If this code contributes to academic work, please cite as:

                  author = {Gillespie, Mark and Springborn, Boris and Crane, Keenan},
                  title = {Discrete Conformal Equivalence of Polyhedral Surfaces},
                  journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
                  volume = {40},
                  number = {4},
                  year = {2021},
                  publisher = {ACM},
                  address = {New York, NY, USA}

Getting started

On mac/linux, you can set up this project with the following commands.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/MarkGillespie/CEPS.git
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j7
bin/parameterize /mesh/path.obj --viz

On Windows, Visual Studio can use the provided CMake files to build and run the project.


You can parameterize meshes by running bin/parameterize /path/to/mesh executable. The input mesh must be manifold and connected.

Screenshot of parameterized filigree100k

The script takes a variety of arguments.

flag purpose
--curvatures=curvatures.txt Specify curvatures (angle defects) at given vertices
--scaleFactors=scaleFactors.txt Specify log scale factors at given vertices
--ffield=a_mesh.ffield Use cones from an MPZ-style cross field
--greedyConeMaxU=5 Maximum allowed log scale factor when placing cones (lower value = lower distortion in final parameterization, default value=5)
--outputMeshFilename=a_mesh.obj File to save output mesh to, along with homogeneous texture coordinates
--outputLinearTextureFilename=a_mesh.obj File to save output mesh to, along with linear texture coordinates (aka ordinary uv coordinates)
--outputMatrixFilename=a_matrix.spmat File to save output interpolation matrix to
--outputVertexMapFilename=vertex_map.txt File to save vertex map to. For each vertex of the input mesh, the vertex map gives its index in the output mesh
--outputLogFilename=a_log.tsv File to save logs (timing + injectivty) to
--useExactCones Do not lump together nearby cones in the ffield input, if any. Cones prescribed via --curvatures or --scaleFactors are never lumped
--noFreeBoundary Do not impose minimal-area-distortion boundary conditions (useful, e.g. if prescribing polygonal boundary conditions with the --curvatures option)
--viz Show the GUI
--version, -v Version info
--help, -h Display help

File formats

The input mesh may be an obj, ply, off, or stl.

Curvatures and scale factors should be given in text files where each line has a 0-indexed vertex index and a prescribed curvature/scale factor. Lines starting with # are ignored:

# A curvature file
0 1.57
36 3.14
12 -1.57

In the curvatures file, all vertices must be accompanied by a desired curvature. In the scale factors file, vertices may appear without any prescribed scale factor---such vertices are assigned a scale factor of 0.

The interpolation matrix is exported as a list of triplets. Explicitly, each line of the output file contains the row index, column index, and value of some entry of the matrix. These indices are 1-indexed to make it easy to load in Matlab.

Homogeneous vs Linear texture coordinates

The parameterizations that we compute look smoother when visualized projectively (see Fig 3 from the paper). Thus by default, we output texture coordinates in homogeneous coordinates---rather than the standard uv coordinates, we output 3-dimensional uvw texture coordinates. To visualize these textures you can interpolate the 3d coordinates linearly across each triangle. Then, for each pixel you perform a homogeneous divide, dividing the first two coordinates by the last coordinate to obtain the final uv texture coordinates. This can be done e.g. in a shader or via shader nodes in blender (see ProjectiveInterpolation.blend for an example).

If you want ordinary uv coordinates rather than homogeneous texture coordinates, you can set the --outputLinearTextureFilename flag or switch the 'Saved Texture Type' to Linear


The render/ directory contains a blender file (ProjectiveInterpolation.blend) that can load and visualize meshes that you parameterize. The blender file should open to a Python script in the Scripting workspace. You can load your own uniformized mesh by changing the mesh name in the script and clicking on Run Script. This will load your model and apply a correctly-interpolated checkerboard texture.

Screenshot of the provided blender file

Spherical uniformization

Screenshot of spherically uniformizated duck

By default, this project only performs planar uniformization.

The spherical uniformization procedure requires PETSc, which can be installed from here. During the installation process, PETSc should give you a PETSC_ARCH and PETSC_DIR. Once you have completed the installation, you can build the spherical uniformization code by running

make -j7

(where YOUR_PETSC_DIR and YOUR_PETSC_ARC are whatever PETSc told you during installation).

Then you can spherically-uniformize meshes by running bin/spherical_uniformize /path/to/mesh.

flag purpose
--outputMeshFilename=a_mesh.obj File to save output mesh to, along with its homogeneous spherical parameterization
--outputLinearTextureFilename=a_mesh.obj File to save output mesh to, along with linear texture coordinates (aka ordinary uv coordinates)
--outputMatrixFilename=a_matrix.spmat File to save output interpolation matrix to
--outputLogFilename=a_log.tsv File to save logs (timing + injectivty) to
--viz Show the GUI
--version, -v Version info
--help, -h Display help

(Note that the output mesh file may not technically be a valid obj file, as we store texture coordinates with 4 components).

The world map here is from Natural Earth.

Visualizing spherical uniformization

The output of spherical_uniformize can be loaded into blender in the render/SphericalProjectiveInterpolation.blend file. The texture can be rotated by going to the Shading tab, selecting the uniformized mesh, and adjusting the Euler angles on the Vector Rotate node. You can load another texture in the equirectangular projection in the environment texture node (currently labeled equirect.jpg).

Screenshot of blender nodes

Test scripts

The benchmark/ directory has test scripts that you can use to evaluate the performance of this code. For more details, see the README in that directory.