
Lightweight, blazing fast micro framework

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Simple, lightweight php microframework Documentation

What you get?

  • Simple routing engine with middleware support
  • Simple native template
  • INI-style configuration
  • Dot-notation array access


  • PHP 5.3+ (untested on php7)
  • Webserver (you can use built-in webserver on php5.4+)
  • mode_rewrite if you use apache
  • PCRE 8.02+ (usually already bundled with php)
  • Writable access to TMP directory.

Webserver Configuration:


Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]


location / {
    try_files $uri index.php;

Routing Engine

Alit routing engine can be used either procedural or object orirnted way

Procedural routing

$fw->route('GET /',function() {
    echo 'Hello world!';


Regex pattern is also supported:

$fw->route('GET /hello(/\w+)?',function($word) {
    echo 'Hello '.(isset($word)?$word:'dude');

Multiple methods is supported:

$fw->route('GET|POST|PUT /',function() use($fw) {
    echo 'Using '.$fw->get('METHOD').' on '.$fw->get('URI');


Do you need middleware?

$fw->route('GET /admin',function() {
    echo 'Actual route';

$fw->before('GET /admin',function() {
    echo 'this is before-middleware...<br/>';

$fw->after('GET /admin',function() {
    echo '<br/>...this is after-middleware';

Dealing with OOP

Firstly, you must create the controller class:

// file: user.php
class User {

    function home() {
        echo 'User home';

    function profile($name) {
        echo 'Profile of: '.(isset($name)?$name:'unknown');

Then, register it to your route:

$fw->route('GET /user','User@home');
$fw->route('GET /user/profile(/[a-zA-Z]+)?','User@profile');

Routing to namespaced class?

// File: application/controllers/test.php
namespace App\Controllers;
use \Alit;

class Test {
    protected $fw;

    function __construct() {

    function index() {
        echo $this->fw->get('METHOD').' method used here';
    // ...

And finally, you can register it to your route:

$fw->route('GET /test','App\Controllers\Test@index');

You can also specify routes in a config file:

; File path: [root]/app.cfg

GET /                 = Welcome@home
GET /profile(/\w+)?   = Welcome@profile
GET|POST|PUT /test    = App\Controllers\Test@index

And your index.php will be more simpler:


Do you still need the middleware?

class Test {

    function index() {
        echo 'Actual route';

    //! You can define middleware as a method name inside your controller classes
    function before() {
        echo 'this is before-middleware...<br/>';

    function after() {
        echo '<br/>...this is before-middleware';

Config Flags

Alit provide some configuration flags such as:

  • global to define global hive assignment
  • route for automatic route definition
  • config to includ other config files inside your current config

You can also define your own flags.

VIEW = views/

GET /     = Welcome@home
GET /test = App\Controllers\Test@index

db.cfg   = TRUE
user.cfg = TRUE

; Example of defining custom flag
price = 1000
discount = 0.2
store.name = Happy Bookstore
store.address.street = Walikukun, Ngawi
store.dummy.text     = This is an example \
                        how to truncate long text \
                        on your config file.

Playing with hive

Hive (like a bee hive) is a variable that holds an array of whole system configuration. Alit provide simple methods to play with it. Let's take a look some of them:

Set a value to hive:

    'surname'=> 'Paijo',

Multiple set:

    'entry' =>array(
        'title'=>'Indonesia Raya',

Tip: You can also assign the hive value from config file

Get a value from hive:

$fw->get('profile')['uname'];    // paijo77
$fw->get('profile.surname');     // Paijo
$fw->get('profile.interest.1');  // football
$fw->get('profile.family.son');  // Jarwo
$fw->hive()['entry']['title'];   // Indonesia Raya

Add a value or array of value:

    'profile.favorite.food'=>'Nasi Goreng'

Check if key exists in hive:

$fw->has('profile.nationality'); // TRUE
$fw->has('profile.qwertyuiop'); // FALSE

Erase a hive path or array of hive paths:

// $fw->get('entry.by'); // NULL

Framework Variables

All framework variables are stored in Alit::$hive protected property, But, you can still get, set, add or dump it to see the contents:

// See all hive vars
// Or, see the ntire object

Loading Thirdparty Libraries

Since it's a thirdparty libraries, you need to set the containing-path of your library to the AUTOLOAD directive in order to help alit find the library. Let's say you put your 3rd-party libraries in the [root]/vendor directory, so it will become:


And the folder struture of the libraries must match with namespace inside your class. For example if your namespace is Foo\Bar so your class file must be placed in: vendor/Foo/Bar/YourClass.php

It's also possible to set multiple 3rd-party directory using |, , or ; as separator:



Alit provide a DEBUG directive that you can adjust to see more detailed error info:


Possible value for debug is:

  • 0 : Suppresses prints of the stack trace (default)
  • 1 : Prints files & lines
  • 2 : Prints classes & functions as well
  • 3 : Prints detailed infos of the objects as well

System Log

You can enable system log by setting the LOG hive to TRUE and alit will log your system errors to alit.log file inside your TMP directory.


You can also make your custom log:

$fw->log('[info] paijo is logged in!','info.log');


Work in progress...


Please fork and pull request if you find this useful.