Métadonnées des dépôts de codes sources d'organismes publics français
- 2
Allow to grab more languages for each repository
#53 opened by bzg - 5
Harvest data from other forges
#34 opened by bzg - 2
Consider adding timeouts to prevent CI failures?
#61 opened by bzg - 1
- 1
Document the data model for libraries in the README
#63 opened by bzg - 1
- 3
Translate the README in english
#54 opened by bzg - 0
Get the latest release of each repository
#12 opened by bzg - 0
Get the list of the last 10 releases
#11 opened by bzg - 1
Make URLs more english friendly
#60 opened by guillim - 1
chande API key
#59 opened by guillim - 12
Collect metadata from public sector libraries
#55 opened by bzg - 8
Pull repositories from FusionForge
#6 opened by bzg - 2
Add "nombre_projets" in organizations' metadata
#52 opened by bzg - 1
Get the real number of repos for a GitLab organizations, including that of its subgroups
#56 opened by bzg - 2
- 4
Ensure to list all projects for GitLab org's, even when projects are organized through subgroups
#49 opened by bzg - 2
Don't collect all groups from
#46 opened by bzg - 0
Get the first 11 languages?
#47 opened by bzg - 3
- 5
- 4
Detect a bare GitLab platform
#40 opened by AntoineAugusti - 2
Invalid GitLab avatar_url
#38 opened by AntoineAugusti - 7
Errors on some SWH URLS
#24 opened by bzg - 1
- 3 not harvested?
#42 opened by bzg - 4
Include top_languages in stats
#41 opened by bzg - 2
No need to include software_heritage_url in data/
#37 opened by bzg - 7
Collect all groups from
#26 opened by bzg - 3
New est_miroir property?
#35 opened by bzg - 9
Use pushed_at instead of updated_at
#25 opened by bzg - 7
Numbers in the /Chiffres tabset
#28 opened by pachevalier - 1
- 0
Enable again Framagit
#20 opened by AntoineAugusti - 4
Get the archived status (boolean) of each repository
#15 opened by bzg - 0
Consider asking SWH to save an origin
#16 opened by AntoineAugusti - 5
Pull repositories from Gitlab
#4 opened by AntoineAugusti - 1
Add `swh-uri` to reference Software Heritage archive
#13 opened by bzg - 2
- 3
- 2
Pull organisations from Gitlab
#3 opened by AntoineAugusti - 2
Clarifier les droits de réutilisation
#1 opened by DavidBruant