
Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

What is this?

This repository contains a Docker setup to consolidate various converters and validators that we use or will use soon on transport.data.gouv.fr:

This is an internal build, but we are still publishing it as open-source in case it helps other (without support at this point).

Release process

To create a new release as a Docker image, just create a GitHub release: it is important that you create a tag named v1.0.x or similar, and that the release has the same name + changelog.

On release creation (see https://github.com/etalab/transport-tools/blob/master/.github/workflows/docker.yml), a build will start, and should normally result into the publication of a GitHub-hosted Docker image named just like the release.

You can find the release here: https://github.com/etalab/transport-tools/pkgs/container/transport-tools

One major caveat: the workflow must exist at the moment the tag is created (https://github.community/t/workflow-set-for-on-release-not-triggering-not-showing-up/16286/7):

The trigger only executes when a release is created using a tag that contains the workflow.

Use from Docker container registry

GTFS validation using transport.data.gouv.fr validator

Option 1: via a local file stored on disk

  • Download the GTFS file on disk in current folder (manually or with a curl command), e.g. "some-file.zip"
  • Run the following command (keep /data/ in front of your filename):
docker run -a stdout -a stderr -v $(pwd):/data -t ghcr.io/etalab/transport-tools:master /usr/local/bin/transport-validator --input /data/some-file.zip --output-format Yaml

If you are on Windows, replace $(pwd) by %cd%.

You can change the output format to Json or PrettyJson if preferred.

Option 2: via an URL

  • Run the following command:
docker run -a stdout -a stderr -t ghcr.io/etalab/transport-tools:master /usr/local/bin/transport-validator --input "https://your-url" --output-format Yaml

GTFS validation using MobilityData GTFS validator

  • Run the validator with:
docker run -a stdout -a stderr -v $(pwd):/data -t ghcr.io/etalab/transport-tools:master java -jar gtfs-validator-v2.0.0_cli.jar -o /data -f fr-foobar -i /data/"the-gtfs-file.zip"

You will see some output, and report.json and system_errors.json being generated with the output of the validation.


  • -a stdout -a stderr makes sure you can see the output of the Docker program on your screen
  • -v $(pwd):/data (replace with -v %CD%:/data on Windows) makes the current folder available inside Docker at /data
  • -t xyz tells Docker which tag to use
  • java -jar xyz.jar runs the java program contained in the "jar" archive
  • -o /data/ gives a folder where the validator will dump its output (json files)
  • -f fr-foobar tells the validator which country is expected + feed name
  • -i /data/thefile.zip tells the validator where is its input file (inside the Docker volume)

Manual local use (testing etc)

docker build . -t localtest

# https://github.com/rust-transit/gtfs-to-geojson
docker run -a stdout -t localtest /usr/local/bin/gtfs-geojson --help

# https://github.com/etalab/transport-validator.git
docker run -a stdout -t localtest /usr/local/bin/transport-validator --help

# https://github.com/CanalTP/transit_model/tree/master/gtfs2netexfr
docker run -a stdout -t localtest /usr/local/bin/gtfs2netexfr --help

# actual run, using a "data" subfolder shared with the docker machine (requires curl 7.73+)
curl --create-dirs --output-dir ./data -O https://data.angers.fr/api/datasets/1.0/angers-loire-metropole-horaires-reseau-irigo-gtfs-rt/alternative_exports/irigo_gtfs_zip
docker run -a stdout -a stderr -v $(pwd)/data:/data -t localtest /usr/local/bin/gtfs2netexfr -i /data/irigo_gtfs_zip -o /data --participant test

# https://github.com/MobilityData/gtfs-validator/tree/v2.0.0-docs
docker run -a stdout -t localtest java -jar gtfs-validator-v2.0.0_cli.jar

# https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-realtime-validator/blob/master/gtfs-realtime-validator-lib/README.md#batch-processing
docker run -a stdout -t localtest java -jar gtfs-realtime-validator-lib-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar