elm install etaque/elm-transit
Delayed actions with transition progress for enter/exit animations in Elm.
See also:
- elm-transit-style: animations for elm-html
(Full working example here)
Use WithTransition
record extension to extend your own model:
import Transit
-- see recursive type param: Transit needs to know the type of message it will send delayed
type Msg
= NavigateTo Page
| SetPage Page
| TransitMsg (Transit.Msg Msg)
type Page = Page1 | Page2
type alias Model =
Transit.WithTransition { page: Page }
You're not bound to root model, you can also use it for sub-pages or components transitions.
Then wrap Msg
in one of your action types and call start
in your update function.
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update action model =
case action of
NavigateTo page ->
-- exit phase of 100ms, then `(SetPage page)` will be sent, then enter phase of 200ms
Transit.start TransitMsg (SetPage page) ( 100, 200 ) model
TransitMsg a ->
Transit.tick TransitMsg a model
SetPage page ->
({ model | page = page }, Cmd.none)
A subscription is necessary to receive animation frame ticks when transition is running:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Transit.subscriptions TransitMsg model
In your views, you can then either:
to get the 1 -> 0 -> 1 varying Float, andgetStep
to know the current phase of transition. -
Or use one of the provided functions in elm-transit-style (or create one of your own) to add the visual effect in your view:
div (TransitStyle.fadeSlideLeft 50 model.transition) [ text "Some content" ]
- Thanks Alex Galays for the challenge