- 5
Always get Unknown channel option '' for channel the client try to access etcd server
#1429 opened by kxs-nzeng - 0
How to put large-scale data?
#1434 opened by Daa35 - 2
Upgrade jetcd from 0.5.11 to 0.7.7 makes code pending
#1426 opened by cnz101 - 7
- 7
jetcd use only one event-loop thread
#1297 opened by Wackerle - 9
Jetcd watcher is not able to reconnect when etcd leader goes down or when etcd cluster loses its quorum and comes back
#1352 opened by deekshith-n - 1
Is there a way to cancel the observation of election?
#1424 opened by ymjnana - 9
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: etcdserver: revision of auth store is old - client doesn't retry.
#1201 opened by vivekpatani - 10
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
#1412 opened by SweetWuXiaoMei - 1
- 3
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INTERNAL: Encountered end-of-stream mid-frame
#1385 opened by kairlec - 4
When an error occurs, watch will only reconnect once.
#1227 opened by sukidesuka - 4
0.7.6 client blocked
#1373 opened by gravityhurry - 19
Provide a solution for Netty version conflicts - grpc-netty requires specific Netty version
#1370 opened by lhotari - 7
An error is reported when a service with two nodes is deployed in k8s and pulls data from a single etcd
#1384 opened by tongpeng01 - 25
io.etcd.jetcd.launcher.EtcdContainer -- Error deleting directory when using jetcd-tests on unit-testing.
#1310 opened by matheuscirillo - 0
Switch to vertx-grpc-client
#1372 opened by lburgazzoli - 2
[Feature Request] provide a way for users to cancel or close an existing Listener in Election api
#1229 opened by exceptionplayer - 4
issue #291
#1303 opened by elvislou - 3
- 1
GetOption donot has timeout
#1326 opened by gravityhurry - 3
- 9
Cant fetch key value using jetcd version 0.8.2
#1375 opened by nazmul-prince - 2
The response of jetcd watch function has some problem
#1327 opened by LanMingjin - 1
Inquiry on using jetcd in the vertx server
#1349 opened by EricJQ - 3
JWT token is not refreshed if etcd responds with "auth: revision in header is old"
#1344 opened by Rmarian - 2
not resoponse when runiing in jdk21
#1338 opened by qiaofazhan - 0
- 2
election observe sometimes lose the first event
#1308 opened by tunefun - 0
- 0
Exceptions of lease keepAlive can be perceived
#1322 opened by tunefun - 7
jetcd run with netty-4.1.101
#1282 opened by caojiajun - 11
Drop java 8
#1218 opened by liangyuanpeng - 8
watch without waitForReady sometimes not reschedule when all servers are down
#1261 opened by tunefun - 9
There is a conflict between the jetcd and @ Transactional annotations. When jetcd version is 0.7.0-0.7.6, there is an error of the program freezing directly to saveorupdate something to database by mybatis.
#1275 opened by DarenSu - 3
not able to read any other etcd key while processing a etcd watch event. its blocked indefinitely
#1285 opened by ankit2610 - 1
Upgrade to jakarta-annotation-api, javax.annotation-api has been deprecated
#1243 opened by liangyuanpeng - 0
when jetcd version is 0.7.0-0.7.6, there is an error of the program freezing directly to saveorupdate something to database by mybatis.
#1274 opened by DarenSu - 2
- 6
How to the get the response in JSON format
#1259 opened by irfanjs - 3
- 2
[Flake Test] testContainerShouldNotMountDirectory
#1232 opened by liangyuanpeng - 0
Remove guava dependency
#1207 opened by askoog - 6
Etcd memory leak when using jetcd-core 0.7.6
#1236 opened by zivkovic - 5
Post Github Release with github action
#1242 opened by liangyuanpeng - 4
How to pass the username and password in etcd java client
#1238 opened by irfanjs - 10
jetcd-ctl may hang if no etcd
#1226 opened by johnshajiang - 3
Pre-check non-Java files on PR
#1221 opened by johnshajiang - 14
- 3
#1202 opened by sun363587351