Weather (job) application

Etch is hiring a full-stack developer!

Code challenge

The best way to understand a developer is through their code.

We'd like you to set up a simple weather app to display todays weather.


  • Fork this repo and submit a PR when you're done. A few notes about the how's and why's would be great.
  • Create the frontend using React (or Preact)
  • Use Node.JS to power the backend
  • Proxy the API (to mask the 3rd party api calls)
  • Use IPInfo to get the user's location.
  • Use MET Norway Weather API to get the weather data.
  • Display todays weather on the page any way you like.


  • The available clients for the weather API seem to be outdated and do not work. Use the API directly.
  • Use something like to get a real remote IP for IPInfo.