- 7
Cannot use botan.cert.x509.x509self
#63 opened by Dadoum - 5
DataSource from string
#72 opened by GuilhermeStrice - 0
Feature request: Add support for X.509 extensions without editing the source code of the library
#64 opened by Dadoum - 4
How up to date is this library?
#70 opened by ethindp - 1
Argon2 state in botan
#29 opened by aberba - 2
Error Compiling on intel MacOS 11.6
#62 opened by andrewlalis - 1
Build with ldc2-0.17.0 under linux is failing
#11 opened by tchaloupka - 3
CVE issue tracking
#39 opened by quickfur - 7
- 1
Phobos compatibe?
#4 opened by Abscissa - 0
- 4
AES sample ?
#12 opened by Ogromny - 5
Slow build using DMD with release switch
#8 opened by tchaloupka - 7
OSX issue with botan
#14 opened by dkdewitt - 2
- 5
Error compiling on Ubuntu 14.04, x86
#26 opened by aberba - 6
Botan 2.x
#27 opened by anton-dutov - 4
Failed to load path based dependency memutils: No package file found in ../memutils/, expected one of dub.json/dub.sdl/package.json
#35 opened by timotheecour - 1
Use slices instead of ptr-length-pairs
#36 opened by lionello - 0
- 0
Fresh install of botan fails with " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
#48 opened by JeremyArdley - 0
Many deprecation warnings
#44 opened by denizzzka - 2
Botan fails to build with x86-ldc
#58 opened by shoo - 14
Seg fault when using RSA keys
#34 opened by SerialVelocity - 0
- 13
Botan fails to build with D 2.084
#49 opened by p-mitana - 1
DUB failing using ldc
#42 opened by Mariomm-marti - 1
How can I decode encrypted msg like openssl
#50 opened by hsllany - 1
Port system certificate store
#51 opened by jacob-carlborg - 1
Make openssl dependency optional
#57 opened by andre2007 - 1
undefined identifier pbes2Encrypt
#56 opened by apanys - 2
Build errors with DMD 2.100
#60 opened by p-mitana - 1
Compilation fails on latest dmd and ldc
#61 opened by shakor0 - 0
botan.block.xtea crashes DMD
#43 opened by nametoolong - 1
Build failing with DMD 2.078.1
#41 opened by nametoolong - 8
import botan.* causes crash DMD
#45 opened by denizzzka - 0
bcrypt doesn't work on Windows
#46 opened by atimin - 2
Error decompressing zlib data in a Pipe
#38 opened by lesderid - 1
Crash in src/engine/gnump/gmp_mem.cpp
#37 opened by stikonas - 3
How to use blowfish?
#28 opened by Abscissa - 3
Build failing with DMD 2.072.0
#24 opened by LightBender - 12
broken dmd release build
#23 opened by MartinNowak - 1
Bcrypt broken on latest release
#22 opened by lesderid - 2
TLS Client Example
#21 opened by anton-dutov - 1
std.c.string is deprecated
#16 opened by tmccombs - 1
- 0
std.c.string is deprecated
#17 opened by tmccombs - 6
Performance vs openssl
#7 opened by tchaloupka - 1
Bcrypt example
#6 opened by dariusc93 - 2
found 'pure' when expecting '{'
#5 opened by Shananra