
Red Hat Openshift Container Platform on Azure

Primary LanguageShell

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on Azure

When creating the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on Azure, you will need a SSH RSA key for access.

SSH Key Generation

  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. Mac

Create the Installation

Create the Installation on the Azure Portal

Experimental Additional Functions


For OsX:

  1. SSHKeyData - Public Key - Copy/Paste from .ssh/id_rsa.pub - pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

  2. PoolId - From RHEL - subscription-manager list --available

  3. SSHPrivate Data - Base64 Encoded id_rsa - cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 | pbcopy

For RHEL/Fedora/Centos:

  1. SSHKeyData - Public Key - Copy/Paste from .ssh/id_rsa.pub - xclip -selection clipboard < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

  2. PoolId - From RHEL - subscription-manager list --available

  3. SSHPrivate Data - Base64 Encoded id_rsa - cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 | xclip -selection clipboard

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
adminUsername String Username for SSH Login and Openshift Webconsole
adminPassword SecureString Password for the Openshift Webconsole
sshKeyData String Public SSH Key for the Virtual Machines
masterDnsName String DNS Prefix for the Openshift Master / Webconsole
numberOfNodes Integer Number of Openshift Nodes to create
masterVMSize String The size of the Master Virtual Machine
infranodeVMSize String The size of the Infranode Virtual Machine
nodeVMSize String The size of the each Node Virtual Machine

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
openshift Webconsole String URL of the Openshift Webconsole
openshift Master ssh String SSH String to Login at the Master
openshift Router Public IP String Router Public IP. Needed if you want to create your own Wildcard DNS

This template deploys Red Hat Openshift on Azure.


Thanks to: Daniel Falkner - Microsoft Germany - For original templates.

Harold Wong Harold.Wong@microsoft.com for his great support.

Ivan McKinley

For full commit history: Please see - https://github.com/glennswest/azure-openshift