When creating the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on Azure, you will need a SSH RSA key for access.
Experimental Additional Functions
For OsX:
SSHKeyData - Public Key - Copy/Paste from .ssh/id_rsa.pub - pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
PoolId - From RHEL - subscription-manager list --available
SSHPrivate Data - Base64 Encoded id_rsa - cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 | pbcopy
For RHEL/Fedora/Centos:
SSHKeyData - Public Key - Copy/Paste from .ssh/id_rsa.pub - xclip -selection clipboard < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
PoolId - From RHEL - subscription-manager list --available
SSHPrivate Data - Base64 Encoded id_rsa - cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 | xclip -selection clipboard
Name | Type | Description |
adminUsername | String | Username for SSH Login and Openshift Webconsole |
adminPassword | SecureString | Password for the Openshift Webconsole |
sshKeyData | String | Public SSH Key for the Virtual Machines |
masterDnsName | String | DNS Prefix for the Openshift Master / Webconsole |
numberOfNodes | Integer | Number of Openshift Nodes to create |
masterVMSize | String | The size of the Master Virtual Machine |
infranodeVMSize | String | The size of the Infranode Virtual Machine |
nodeVMSize | String | The size of the each Node Virtual Machine |
Name | Type | Description |
openshift Webconsole | String | URL of the Openshift Webconsole |
openshift Master ssh | String | SSH String to Login at the Master |
openshift Router Public IP | String | Router Public IP. Needed if you want to create your own Wildcard DNS |
This template deploys Red Hat Openshift on Azure.
Thanks to: Daniel Falkner - Microsoft Germany - For original templates.
Harold Wong Harold.Wong@microsoft.com for his great support.
Ivan McKinley
For full commit history: Please see - https://github.com/glennswest/azure-openshift