
Expr is an engine that can evaluate expressions.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Expr Build Status Go Report Card Code Coverage Sparkline

Expr is an engine that can evaluate expressions.

The purpose of the package is to allow users to use expressions inside configuration for more complex logic. It is a perfect candidate for the foundation of a business rule engine. The idea is to let configure things in a dynamic way without recompile of a program:

# Get the special price if
user.Group in ["good_customers", "collaborator"]

# Promote article to the homepage when
len(article.Comments) > 100 and article.Category not in ["misc"]

# Send an alert when
product.Stock < 15

Inspired by


  • Works with any valid Go object (structs, maps, etc)
  • Static and dynamic typing (example)
    code := "groups[0].Title + user.Age"
    p, err := expr.Parse(code, expr.Define("groups", []Group{}), expr.Define("user", User{}))
    // err: invalid operation: groups[0].Name + user.Age (mismatched types string and int)
  • User-friendly error messages
    unclosed "("
    (boo + bar]
  • Reasonable set of basic operators
  • Fast (faster otto and goja, see bench)


go get -u github.com/antonmedv/expr


  • See GoDoc for developer documentation,
  • See The Expression Syntax page to learn the syntax of the Expr expressions.


Executing arbitrary expressions.

env := map[string]interface{}{
    "foo": 1,
    "bar": struct{Value int}{1},

out, err := expr.Eval("foo + bar.Value", env)

Static type checker with struct as environment.

type env struct {
	Foo int
	Bar bar

type bar struct {
	Value int

p, err := expr.Parse("Foo + Bar.Value", expr.Env(env{}))

out, err := expr.Run(p, env{1, bar{2}})

Using env's methods as functions inside expressions.

type env struct {
	Name string

func (e env) Title() string {
	return strings.Title(e.Name)

p, err := expr.Parse("'Hello ' ~ Title()", expr.Env(env{}))

out, err := expr.Run(p, env{"world"})

Using embedded structs to construct env.

type env struct {
	Name string

type helpers struct{}

func (h helpers) Title(s string) string {
	return strings.Title(s)

p, err := expr.Parse("'Hello ' ~ Title(Name)", expr.Env(env{}))

out, err := expr.Run(p, env{"world"})
