
Gen I Pokémon that feels "just like you remember it". But without all the illogical nonsense and crazy bugs.

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT

CI Build Nightly Build

Pokémon RGB Enhanced

Gen I Pokémon that feels "just like you remember it". But without all the illogical nonsense and crazy bugs.

For additional info, check the official website.

Build Instructions

This repository builds into the following .gbc ROMs:

  • pokered.gbc
  • pokegreen.gbc
  • pokeblue.gbc

Install Dependencies

Install system tools with package manager (e.g. apt)

sudo apt-get install bison gcc git make python2 -y;

Clone and install rgbds 0.2.5

git clone https://github.com/gbdev/rgbds --branch=v0.2.5 --depth=1;
pushd rgbds;
sudo make install;

Cloning source

git clone https://github.com/ETDV-TheVoid/pokemon-rgb-enhanced --recursive;
cd pokered;


To build all three ROM files


To build them individually

make red;
make green;
make blue;

To clean build files

make clean;


To build on Windows, download and install Cygwin.

Run setup and leave the default settings. At the "Select Packages" step, choose to install the following, all of which are in the "Devel" category:

  • gcc-core
  • gettext
  • git
  • make
  • python

Then get rgbds 0.2.5. Extract the archive and put rgbasm.exe, rgblink.exe, rgbfix.exe and rgbgfx.exe in C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin. If your Cygwin installation directory differs, ensure the bin directory is present in the PATH variable.

See also

This project is based on the Pokémon Red Disassembly by all the wonderful people over at the Pokémon Reverse Engineering Team (PRET).