
c++ cypher visualizer

Primary LanguageC++


seqpi gif example

Al principio solo era un visualizador de una cadena de números aleatorios. Luego lo adapté para ver las cifras de pi, y para darle mas control le di argumentos, luego colores y luego dos números más, phi y e.

pi_random_v0.cpp -> visual_pi -> visual_pi_argv -> vispi-argv-color -> dcyphr-nums.cpp

Leería cualquier número, y el sistema no tiene que ser decimal, aunque para eso tocaría deconstruirlo acordemente.

The usage is easy:

cpiseq and picpp expects 4 arguments: lim_min, lim_max, digits on screen, sleep in milliseconds interval; so u have time to read its output.

ephiphi expects 5: in addition to the previous 4, it expects as first argument which number you want to read.

Example latest (dcypher_nums):

    ./epiphi phi 10 100 25 60
    ./cypherviz phi 10 100 25 60

    # This will print and count from the 10th digit to the 100th digit of phi,
    # displaying 25 in screen each 60 milliseconds

Or just compile it

! Rememeber to have installed lfmt.

#g++ -std=c++20 dcypher-nums.cpp -o "cypherviz"

#updated (fmt)

g++ -std=c++2a -lfmt dcypher-nums.cpp -o "cypvz" 


If you encounter a problem with fmt, rebuild and install the library:

    # Installing lfmt

    #rm -rf "./fmt"

    wget "https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/releases/download/10.2.0/fmt-10.2.0.zip" #or latest version
    unzip fmt-10.2.0.zip

    # rebuild
    cd fmt
    mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && sudo make install

    #recompile with g++