angular2 showtime

build status

Project Management



npm install
webdriver-manager update

Build project

Build the app for development.

npm run build
npm run build:dev

Build the app for production,

npm run build:prod

Set environment config

Build/run project with specific environment config.

Supported values: int prod

grunt build --env int
grunt serve --env prod

Run project

  • Serve the app for development

    npm run start
    npm run server
    npm run server:dev
  • Serve the app for producction mode (you have to build the app for production before serve)

     npm run server:prod

Run tests

  • Unit test the app in a single run.

     npm run test
  • Unit test the app in a watching mode.

      npm run test:unit:debug
  • End-2-End

     npm run webdriver
     npm run test:e2e