

Primary LanguageScala


mineToys is a small program developed in Scala for Windows, which supports interactive command line and direct invocation by java -jar command.

__  __ _       _   _____     _   _  _____         _   _
|  \/  (_)     | | |_   _|   | | | ||_   _|       | | | |
| \  / |_ _ __ | |_  | | ___ | |_| |  | | ___  ___| |_| |
| |\/| | | '_ \| __| | |/ _ \| __| |  | |/ _ \/ __| __| |
| |  | | | | | | |_  | | (_) | |_|_|  | |  __/\__ \ |_|_|
|_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__| \_/\___/ \__(_)  \_/\___||___/\__(_)


mineToys is a collection of useful and fun tools for audio and icon processing. You can use it to convert, cut, split, fill, and transform your audio and icon files with simple commands. You can also use it to test your Scala skills and learn some new tricks.


  • audio
Parameter Description
mew The mp4 file or folder to be exported; the maximum length (minutes) of a single audio file to be exported. If a folder is entered, all mp4 files in the folder will be exported as audio files with the same name. If the mp4 file is longer than the set maximum length, it will be split and exported.
sw The specified audio file address; the length (minutes) to be cut. The specified audio file will be cut into fixed lengths.
wtt The folder of the sound. Use funasr to convert wav to text file (need to start local funasr service).
  • icon
Parameter Description
edc The input image file (folder); the output format; the output type. The output format can be (json, scala), the output type can be ($text file specified path, print).
fi icon_path; color_path; color_num; degree. Fill the non-transparent part of the icon with color.
sci icon_file; fill color hex value; output file suffix. Fill the non-transparent part of the icon with pure color.
ic target format; input; output. Convert svg image to png or png format.
sito The folder where the icon is located; the folder whose icon needs to be set. Use the icon in the specified folder to set the icon of the subordinate folder of the given folder. The requirement is that it must be a folder and have the same name as the icon.
  • test
Parameter Description
hello name. Test program for demonstrating the use of the program.


  • Download mineToy.exe from here.
  • Save it to your preferred location.
  • Double-click it to run it.


  • Interactive command line

    • Open a terminal window and navigate to the location where you saved mineToy.exe.
    • Type mineToy.exe and press enter to start the program.
    • Try the following commands:
    -lang:en # Set the application to English
    -l:all # Show all applications
    -e:hello;user # Execute the test project and output hello, user!
    -help:mew # View the help of mew
    -g:audio # Set the current application group to audio
    -d:1 # Turn on debug log
    #Enter -g:${application group name} -e:${application name};parameter one;parameter; in the command line
    # Execute the mew application; export the mp4 files in the `D:\\lib\\video` folder as wav audio files of 10 minutes per segment
  • Direct invocation by java -jar command

    • Make sure you have Java installed on your system. You can check it by typing java -version in a terminal window. If you don't have Java, you can download it from here.
    • Open a terminal window and navigate to the location where you saved mineToy.exe.
    • Type java -jar mineToy.exe -g:${application group name} -e:${application name};parameter one;parameter; and press enter to execute the program with the specified parameters. For example:
    java -jar mineToy.exe -g:audio -e:mew;D:\\lib\\video;10
    # Execute the mew application; export the mp4 files in the `D:\\lib\\video` folder as wav audio files of 10 minutes per segment


Here are some screenshots of the program in action:

mew export wav from .mp4 file with fix length

edc export dominate color of .jpg or .png file from an dir

edc edc

fi fill icon with colorful

fi fi



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.