
Real time P2P video streaming

Primary LanguageC

* Eyeunite *

First follow the instructions in the documents in this order:

1. INSTALL - install dependencies and download a sample movie clip
2. BUILD - compile the eyeunite sources and GUI
3. RUN_ARCTCAT - create a source/follower that streams a pre-recorded movie

The last two scenarios require that your computer is connected to the internet,
is assigned a public IP, and is not behind any sort of firewall.

To run your own tests you will need to understand how to interface and start up
the source and follower node software. The binary in 'client/src/eyeunitesource'
takes parameters that describe which port the source node will listen on and
what media file to stream. The binary in 'client/src/eyeunitefollower' takes
parameters that describe the lobby token (printed when the source node is
started), port to accept UDP packets on, and where to write the received data.

You can run these two binaries without any arguments for a minimal help
print out. See RUN_ARCTCAT for an example of how to run these two programs.