Molpy Trainer
xkcd: 1190: Time: Another Game
Code by Eternal Density (and probably other OTTers)
Graphics likely by GLR and OTTers, when they are added
For personal amusement only.
- split lists into separate file
- unprogress
- more links (including stuff I need to reinstall)
- wooo lots of progress
- more progress
- changing how I'm setting server stuff up a little
- progress section
- todo secton
- committing from ubuntu!
- more molpy names
- some molpy names
- django hosting link
- Bag list
- start of object model
- some more useful links
- More molpy names
- More brainstorming
- Links to Django stuff
- Some more Molpies
- Design Planning and Molpy List
- Added this document
- nothing
Design Planning
OTTers will need to sign into an account as a Molpy Trainer.
A Trainer will start out with a small amount of currency to trade for various items.
A Trainer must catch a molpy to train. Molpies are caught by putting bait in a bag.
Trainers can have multiple molpies.
Various items and activities (to be determined) will increase or decrease various traits and abilities of molpies.
Each kind of molpy has its own basic traits and abilities which will be uniquely customised by training.
Trainers can battle their molpies for prizes and bragging rights. (Or Bagging rights)
Combat will consist of several rounds, and different molpies will be designed for short matches, some long matches, some in the middle.
Trainers will select the match type and length.
Perhaps multiplayer battles. Teams even.
Cram everything full of OTTish words of course.
Pingpong balls will be involved somehow.
And grapevines. Lots of grapevines. At a 12:2 molpy:grapevine ratio
Could set it in the Netherlands:
There won't be so much javascript since the game logic will be carried out serverside.
For the server scripting, I'll use Python. It looks like Django is worth using. (With postgresql, Gunicorn and NGINX)
Object Model
Each User will be associated with 1 OTTer (trainer)
Each OTTer has many bags. Bags are held by 0 or 1 OTTer.
Bags may contain no Molpies, or multiple. A molpy may be in 0 or 1 bag.
The world is made up of regions which contain locations. Locations can contain OTTers, molpies, bags, and more, though these objects may only be in a single location.
Routes link locations to locations (where each route links 2 locations together). Routes will have a cost and other properties which govern how OTTers (and possibly molpies) can move between them.
Locations have a biome which affects the molpies that are in it (maybe the trainers too?) as well as the molpies that may be found in it.
A molpy is an instance of a breed. This affects the molpy's stats and abilities and how it reacts to biomes and training and what offspring it may have. Breeds may have subspecies which differ slightly from the main breed.
Useful links
Python Templating links
Basically stuff about Django and deployment and stuff to use it with
- lots of useful info (11 things about django dev)
- (am following this)
- the same general thing as above on Amazon EC2
- another about setting stuff up
- looks about right (though a little older)
- should help with the above
- for user accounts
- for ajax: looks pretty awesome!
- hosting: webfaction sounds good (and has github support too, lol, that site happens to be hosted on it :D)
- dajax/dajaxice for django+ajax
- for celery
Other tech links
- because I'm an utter noob
- because fagungis wants to use mercurial but I'm using github
- source bin/activate deactivate
- to check nginx status /etc/init.d/nginx status
- celery does async task/jobj queue stuff, including scheduling. written in Python!
- because a chrome dependency is missing
- and are what happened to my VM
- to fix the annoying thing in ubuntu
- Ubuntu installed in VirtualBox
- Git installed and this repo cloned
- Installed pip and django-fagungis
- Decided django-fagungis is too confusing for me and I'd better manually install stuff (see link marked 'am following this' above)
- Got django and postgresql working
- gunicorn seems to be working
- Yes it was working, it just needed nginx to actually send requests to it
- supervisor working (it starts gunicorn automatically, with all the right settings to start django)
- nginx is now working! had to copy the config into the sites-enabled directory rather than symlink the directories cos it choked on the directory. Or maybe I can symlink the file?
- vm wasn't actually saving properly after I started making snapsshots, so I need to go back to step 2
- reinstalled most stuff, using /webapps/ directory
- most stuff is working but I can't seem to get gunicorn to run for a different user even though it looks like the permissions should work
- even with rebooting
- and now nginx won't write to the gunicorn socket no matter what I can think of trying, which is weird
- okay I had to put web-data in my group which I didn't really want to do
- now also installed django-daxaxice, django-dajax and django-celery
Actual project stuff
- get my current setup into git
- Build a more complete conceptual object model
- Plan forms and views
- Build django python object structure
- Create views and forms
- Use admin interface to start adding stuff (molpy breeds! bags!) to database
- Figure out how to schedule tasks
- Write the game logic
- Style stuff better
- Hopefully it's getting close to something OTTers can use by this point and there are some remaining who haven't been basemented