
Simple address book manager written in javascript as a single-page, client-side web application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Address Book

This is a simple address book manager written in javascript as a single-page, client-side web application.


  1. Checkout the source code from GitHub

  2. Install npm dependencies

     $> npm install
  3. Run gulp init

     $> gulp init
  4. (Optional) Run gulp connect to set up a web server on port 4000

     $> gulp connect
  5. Done! If you ran gulp connect on step 4, you can now open the application on


    Otherwise, you can simply open </path/to/repo>/public/index.html

Possible future improvements

  • Stop Babel from including its functions more than once
  • Better merging of external resources (css, js)
  • Use Uglify to compress the output code
  • Better error handling
  • Load screens (eg. spinning wheel)
  • Avoid unnecessary reflows
  • Add pagination

Tech / libraries used

  • SASS
  • NPM
  • Bower
  • Gulp
  • jQuery
  • Babel
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars.js
  • Navigo (by Krasimir Tsonev)
  • jQuery Confirm 2 (by craftpip)