
Primary LanguagePython


In a nutshell, BrightDocs is a web-based document automation app. The process is envisioned as follows:
  • User creates a blueprint
  • User uploads documents (currently docx, pdf, xslx and email) for the blueprint
  • User creates "triggers" (conditional statements) using variables embedded in the uploaded documents. User can also define their own variables outside of the documents. As an example, variable plaintiff_gender can be created. The user can then combine this variable with another variable like plaintiff_he_she to create a trigger that goes something like:

IF plaintiff_gender EQUALS "female", THEN plaintiff_he_she BECOMES "she"

  • This trigger, if the user assigns "female" to the plaintiff_gender variable, would simply replace all instances of plaintiff_he_she with "she". In an excel spreadsheet, this applies to all cells in rows or columns with an initial cell value of plaintiff_he_she. In a pdf, it fills in all form fields with that name.

  • User clicks a big shiny Run Blueprint button. He/she fills in whichever variables he/she chooses, then clicks an even bigger and shinier Create documents button. Variables are automatically filled based on the manually assigned variables as well as the values of the variables filled in the preceding statements.

  • Documents are bundled into a zip, which is then served to the user.

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  • Exponential user growth, profit, and a multi-billion dollar buyout from Facebook/Google/Amazon.