Dead Man Walking ☠︎ 🚶‍♂️

You wake up dead, in a deserted land. Only to find yourself trapped on a never ending path with. You soon realize the further you walk the more rocks come barreling from the sky ready to send you to you're orginally intended fate. How long can you walk the path before you meet your impending doom?!

Alt Text

Built in a week with Python3.7 and PYGAME

  • I built this game with no prior Python experience to showcase my ability to learn new things quickly.
  • Also built with the help and guidence of the great and super cool Chris Angelico aka Rosuav.

Locally playing & installing the game.

Unfortunately PYGAME isn't very good at distrbution. Even creating an exe file is a big headache.

  • Make sure you have python3 installed.
  • Clone this repo and cd into it.
  • run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • after everything is installed run python3 and the game should start
  • Also there is an issue where the FPS and the font size changes on different machines.
  • FPS can be found at the top of the file and you can adjust accordingly.
    • The higher the number the faster the game.
  • Instances of draw_text() is where you would be able to change the font.
draw_text(screen, "How long can you survive until you are...", 20, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 1.65)
  • the first number, 20 ,in this case is the font size.
    • Adjust it to how you see fit!(if needed)