Learning Real Bug Detectors

This is the official repository for the paper: On Distribution Shift in Learning-based Bug Detectors.


The code requires python3 (we use python3.9) and some Python packages that can be installed via pip install -r requirements.txt. Make sure to add this repository to PYTHONPATH.

Downloading Datasets and Models

We provide the following resources for download:

  • Our datasets: link.
  • Our fine-tuned models: link.
  • Pretrained models (converted from CuBERT, including the tokenizer vocabulary): link.

After downloading and decompressing the above files, the directory structure should be organized as follows:


Running the Code

You can run the code via the scripts under the scripts/ directory.

Evaluation and Fine-tuning

Evaluation can be done with the command below, where TASK_NAME is the bug type (var-misuse, wrong-binary-operator, or argument-swap). MODEL_NAME is the name of the model (e.g., model if you use our fine-tuned models). Optionally, you can use the --probs_file to store the prediction results and use calculate_ap.py to compute average precision.

(scripts/) $ python eval.py --task TASK_NAME --model MODEL_NAME

Fine-tuning can be done with the command below, where DATASET_NAME can be real, synthetic, or contrastive. The paper describes a two-phase training scheme, first with --dataset contrastive and then with --dataset real (use --pretrained to continue from the previous checkpoint). Other fine-tuning parameters are defaulted to be the best parameters in the paper evaluation.

(scripts/) $ python fine-tune.py --task TASK_NAME --model MODEL_NAME --dataset DATASET_NAME

Constructing Datasets from Scratch

If you are interested in constructing the datasets from scratch, you need to clone eth_py150_open, download py150_files, and install near-duplicate-code-detector. For var-misuse and wrong-binary-operator, the datasets constructed from eth_py150 repositories have a sufficient amount of real bugs. For argument-swap, more repositories are needed to produce enough real bugs. The directory structure should be organized as follows:


Then run the following commands:

(scripts/data_gen_real/) $ python clone_repos.py --in_file all_py150_repos.txt
(scripts/data_gen_real/) $ ./run_real_bugs_from_repo.sh TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_synthetic/) $ python gen_jsontxt.py --task TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_synthetic/) $ python clean_jsontxt.py --task TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_real/) $ python split_real.py --task TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_synthetic/) $ python filter_train_data.py --task TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_synthetic/) $ python gen_synthetic_train_data.py --task TASK_NAME
(scripts/data_gen_synthetic/) $ python gen_synthetic_train_data.py --task TASK_NAME --contrastive