
Template for final project of course-101-0250-00

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Final Project Repo

Build Status

[👆 Make sure to include unit and reference tests. We provide you with a reference test (using ReferenceTests.jl) you can benchmark your implementation against. Adapt it to your needs and ensure your 3D diffusion solver to return H and xc, the solution array and the x-coordinate vector, respectively.]

[Add some short info here about the project, an abstract in a sense, and link to the documentation for Part-1 and Part-2.]

Meta-Info (delete this)

This project was generated with

using PkgTemplates
                   Git(; ssh=true),
                   GitHubActions(; x86=true)],

Additionally, to the files generated by PkgTemplates, the following files and folders were added

  • scripts-part1/ and scripts-part2/ which should contain the scripts for part 1 (solving the diffusion equation) and part 2 (solving your own equation)
  • docs/ the documentation (aka your final report), one for each part
  • test/part*.jl testing scripts

Adapting this to your needs would entail:

  • copy this repository (or clone)
  • adapt the files (don't forget the LICENSE)