
AQI monitor for your city

Primary LanguagePython

Air quality monitor for your city


Telegram Chat

Getting Started


Obtain aqicn_token by requesting Air Quality API here.

Obtain your city id by running the GET request below


For example, we got @3303 for Beijing.

Create a Telegram Bot, instructions can be found here.

send a message to the bot you just created, run the following request to get your telegram_id https://api.telegram.org/bot<BOTID>/getUpdates

Fill the tester_id field with your telegram_id.

Create a Telegram Channel for publishing real-time data.

For obtaining channel_id, check here.


git clone git@github.com:Eth4nZ/aqi-monitor.git && cd aqi-monitor

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

cp sample_config.json config.json

complete config.json with the tokens you got in the previous section.


python3 beijing_air_monitor.py


"debug_mode": "true" Message will be sent to your private account with 5 minutes interval


"debug_mode": "false" Message will be sent to telegram channel with 60 minutes interval