This demo shows developers how to interact with a recent version of
the ClojureScript REPL (specifically CLJS >= v1.10.741 and its new :bundle
feature) via Vim-Fireplace and their many friends.
When I saw the announcement about ClojureScript 1.10.741 and its new NPM and JavaScript bundler (e.g. Webpack) integration options, I decided to try to resurrect my old Vim/ClojureScript development environment and use it to run through the examples provided in the new guide.
Needless to say, a lot has changed in the last ~five years and my old setup did not work with modern versions of ... just about everything.
So, I decided to undertake an adventure and try and get this environment working, document my findings and share it with others. I sought and received help from lots of people on Stack Overflow, /r/clojurescript and elsewhere. Also, the various guides and documentation linked below were very useful.
I was also buoyed by the two recent releases of Figwheel (v0.2.5/6) which added support for these new CLJS features in a very short amount of time. The accompanying guide is also invaluable when coming up to speed with these latest features.
You can follow along by installing Clojure and the CLI tools and cloning this repository.
The required dependencies are defined in deps.edn. I was only able to get this workflow running with the specified versions. Others may work, especially newer versions, but I ran into issues with older versions of CLJS (>= 1.10.741 && < 1.10.773), nrepl, etc.
The dependencies will be installed by the Clojure CLI when it is first run or they change.
Launch a Clojure REPL in your shell using the Clojure CLI tools and Rebel Readline (using the alias defined in deps.edn):
clojure -A:rebel
(require '[fullstack.helpers :refer :all]) ;; import nREPL helpers
(start-nrepl-server!) ;; start nREPL server on 7888
;; Some people run the following commands using Vim-Fireplace's `:CljEval`
;; command but I found that to be a little clunky.
;; If I do end up using this workflow regularly, I'll consider packaging these
;; steps up in a VimScript helper function.
;; Out of habit, I send them from this document inside vim to a parallel tmux
;; pane using vim-slime.
(require 'figwheel.main.api) ;; require Figwheel's scripting API
(figwheel.main.api/start "dev") ;; start Figwheel build (using dev.cljs.edn) and REPL
:Piggieback (figwheel.main.api/repl-env "dev") " connect to the CLJS REPL
You should now have an active connection to the ClojureScript REPL from within Vim and you can start evaluating forms using the various Vim-Fireplace commands.
For example, try evaluating the following using cpp
(.log js/console "Success!")
If the environment is working as expected, you'll see an entry in your browser's JavaScript console.
From there, you can begin interacting with the program running in your browser from Vim.
For example, try evaluating the following forms (see src/fullstack/main.cljs):
(in-ns 'fullstack.main)
(reset! name_ "CLJS")
... and switching back to your browser. The application's contents should have been updated to reflect the evaluated code.
David's release announcement and the guide for using the new NPM and JavaScript bundler were excellent and exciting enough to get me to revisit this development environment. The ClojureScript program found in fullstack.main was taken directly from the guide, which is linked below.
Bruce's Figwheel library, documentation and guides were a tremendous help in getting this environment up and running. The contents of fullstack.helpers and most of the "steps" required to get the REPL running and connected were taken directly from the Figwheel/Vim guide linked below.
Rebel Readline is also a wonderful library and makes the Clojure/Script REPL more helpful, useful and beautiful.
Thanks to Tim Pope for Vim-Fireplace and every other line in my .vimrc which
begins with Plug 'tpope