- needrestart
- make Rakefile ruby backwards compatible with 1.9.3 (Ubuntu default)
- nmap
- phantomjs
- vlc
- configure global gemsets
- use apt to install dropbox and chrome
- fix postgres task
- use dynamic value for latest nvm
- use dynamic value for latest redis
- Configure Gnome Terminal theme:
- Stack
- boot install script is 404-ing
- add yes prefix to necessary tasks
- add thinkpad brightness key fix -
- introduce xorg.conf (now required for brightness key fix)
- use ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml for lubuntu keybindings path
- download and configure shell completions (tmuxinator, docker, etc.)
- configure update-alternatives to use firefox for default web browsers
- set vim as default text editor ($EDITOR and update-alternatives)
- alphabetize/sensibly group tasks
- add descriptions to tasks
- android studio
- stack install ghc-mod
- stack install ghci
- stack install shelly
- introduce .irbrc
- add macchanger entry
- add astyle entry
- fastboot && adb
- link scripts to directory on path
- vim-gui-common -- for easy clipboard access
- dirmngr
- pyenv
- slock
- ubuntu fonts
- libnotify-bin
- ranger
- nmap
- higan
- gparted
- use debian stack package