WeMentor: Bridging the Path of Students and their Future


Live Site

WeMentor is a full stack application built to help teachers connect their students with mentors. The goal was to create a platform where we could assist student's reach their profressional goals. This application is designed similarily to other social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter where each user has a public profile as well as a dashboard where they will be able to see their connection's post.

Account Types and Their Limitations

There are three types of accounts that could be made: teacher, mentor, and student.

Both teacher and mentor accounts will be provided a code to be given to their students. This code is what connects each user together.

Teachers are the only accounts that could use the search functionality for mentors. This could be found on the navigation bar.

Settings and Logout functionality is found in the side navigation.

Work in Progress

  • Search function - Currently static and the goal is to create it dynamically similar to how each profile is created where it grabs information from the database.
  • Chat engine - Currently not displaying your own message, but shows the other user's comments. Does not display the user who messaged. Also would want to create different chatrooms.
  • Friends List - There is a current issue where if you have one code, whether it is the teacher or mentor code, the algorithm will grab other accounts that do not have a code for the code you do not have. For example, Jason does not have a teacher code, but he does have a mentor code. He will have everyone that has the same mentor code as him as well as everyone without a teacher code. The goal is to not have anyone come up if you do not have a code.
  • Built With:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • Bootstrap 4
  • jQuery
  • Authors

  • Erick Thai
  • Hiroko Ross
  • Rigo Hernandez
  • Sam Blankenship