Rails Layouts And Templates Lab


Your task is to build an online store! Okay, maybe not a whole online store, but at least some layouts and controllers for an online store. Not only will you learn how to create a layout and how to get an action to use that layout but also how to override defaults and specify layouts on the action level.

The Default Layout

  1. Make a new controller called StaticController.

  2. Create a home view with an h2 that says "Welcome to Flatiron Widgets" and a new action in StaticController called home.

  3. Create a default application layout at the correct location, and add an h1 to it that says "Flatiron Widgets Store". This is for the main site's welcome bar.

Custom Layouts for a Controller

  1. Create a new controller called StoreAdminController.

  2. We want this controller to use a new layout called admin. This layout should have an h1 that says "Flatiron Widgets: Admin".

  3. Create a home view layout for StoreAdminController with an h2 that says "Welcome Flatiron Admin".

  4. Get your newly created action to use the admin template.

Custom Layouts for an Action

  1. Create a new view for StoreAdminController called orders with an h2 that says "Welcome to Flatiron Open Orders". Also add an ol with a few li elements containing fake orders.

  2. Now you should create a new layout called order_administration and add an h1 that says "Flatiron Widgets: Open Orders".

  3. At this point, the store_admin#orders action will use the admin layout you defined earlier, but we need it to use the new order_administration layout. The trick is we want only the store_admin#orders action to use the order_administration layout, and we want to keep the admin layout as the default for the other actions in StoreAdminController.

Ignore Layouts for an Action

  1. Create a new action in StoreAdminController called invoice, and insert an h1 that says "Your Invoice".

  2. This action is assigned the default layout for the controller, admin, but we don't want it to use any layout at all (while also not affecting the layouts assigned to other actions in the controller).

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View Layouts And Templates in Rails Lab on Learn.co and start learning to code for free.