
A crawler collect data from Sina Weibo using none-official APIs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A crawler collect data from Sina Weibo using none-official APIs

1. Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt
# install and configure your mongodb

2. Configuration

a) Modification of Settings.py

# Necessary
	'cookie': 'your cookie'
# Speed parameters
CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 32  # Configure maximum concurrent requests performed by Scrapy 
DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.5  # Configure a delay for requests for the same website
DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 3  # Configure a timeout for connection
RETRY_TIMES = 1  # Configure retry times for a request
# Crawl Target
## weibo.com
KEYWORD_LIST = ['#日常#'] # keywords to search the tweets
WEIBO_TYPE = 1 # Weibo type,0 for all,1 for origin
CONTAIN_TYPE = 0 # Weibo contain certain content,0 for all,1 for image,2 for video
REGION = ['全部'] # Region where the tweet is posted. '全部' for all, '北京' for Peking
START_DATE = '2014-01-01' # Lower bound of poting date range. (yyyy-mm-dd)
END_DATE = '2020-12-31' # Upper bound of poting date range. (yyyy-mm-dd)
START_TIME = '0' # Lower bound of poting time range. (0-24)
END_TIME = '6' # Upper bound of poting time range. (0-24)

b) Modification of ProxyMiddleware

PROXY_POOL_URL = 'YOUR_PROXY_POOL_URL' # purchase a proxy pool yourself

3. Fields

a) m.weibo.cn


Ind Field Name in Response Field Name in Code Description
1 id _id User id
2 screen_name screen_name User nickname
3 statuses_count tweet_count The number of all tweets
4 profile_image_url avatar Link of user avatar image
5 cover_image_phone cover_image Link of user cover image
6 description description User self-introduction
7 follow_count follow_count The number of user followings
8 followers_count followers_count The number of user followers
9 gender gender User gender(f for female, m for male)
10 verified verified If user has passed certain verification of Sina Weibo
11 verified_type verified_type User verification type, eg. Individual, Enterprise, Government, etc.
12 verified_reason verified_reason The reason why the user pass verification of Sina Weibo
13 urank urank Liveness of user on Sina Weibo(Bigger number represents for more user activities on Sina Weibo)
14 mbrank mbrank Vip rank of user on Sina Weibo


Ind Field Name in Code Field Name in Response Description
1 id id Tweet id(Primary key)
2 user_id user_id User id(Foreign key)
3 text text Html of tweet
4 pics pics Links of pictures in the tweet content (delimited by comma)
5 video_url page_info Link of video in the tweet
6 created_at created_at The posting time of the tweet (weekday month day hour:minute:second timezone year)
7 source source Use what kind of device to post the tweet or Under what supertopic the user post the tweet
8 attitudes_count attitudes_count The number of people favor the tweet
9 comments_count comments_count The number of comments
10 reposts_count reposts_count Reposting times of the tweet
11 location text The current place of user when posting the tweet
12 topics text Topics of the tweet (classified by Sina Weibo, delimited by comma)
13 at_users text Mention of users of Sina Weibo (delimited by comma)
14 article_url text Link of front page headline in the tweet
15 retweet retweeted_status Information of retweets

b) weibo.com


Ind Field Name Description
1 _id User id
2 screen_name User Nickname
3 orient_type Type of user to be collected
4 keyword Search keyword to filter content of tweets

4. APIs for Data Collection

a) User APIs

# API for all information of user
# API for profile of user

b) Tweet APIs

# API for crawling user tweets
# API for detailed information of tweet (for long tweet or tweet containing more than 9 pictures)