
A Node.js program that creates Perl distribution dependency trees.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application runs in the Node.js environment. Ensure the latest version of Node is installed.

  1. Navigate to /Dependency-Tree-Maker and install all required packages:
npm install
  1. The metadata for each distro is located in /Dependency-Tree-Maker/data. Choose which of these you would like to create dependency trees for.

  2. Navigate to /src to run the program and include any --name flags corresponding to distro names:

cd ./src
node index --DateTime --Class-Load


There are included tests for the createTree and moduleToDistro modules. Test data has been added to the /data folder as well as appended to ./data/core-modules.json and ./data/module-distro-map.json. Tests can be run by navigating to /Dependency-Tree-Maker and runnng:

npm run test