
A Sassy version of Dan Eden's Animate.css

Primary LanguageCSS


Sassy just-add-water CSS animation

animate-sass is a Sass version of Dan Eden's Animate.css.


Add animate-sass to your project using one of the methods below.

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/

$ npm install animate-sass --save-dev

Yarn: https://yarnpkg.com/en/

$ yarn add animate-sass --dev

Bower: http://bower.io

$ bower install animate-sass


animate-sass has a couple of features to make the most of what Sass has to offer for more efficient development.


All individual animation modules are kept in their own Sass partials so they can be found easily. You shouldn't need to edit these as they are part of the animate.css library.

Modules are arranged by the following animation types;

Animation Types

Base Styles The helpers/_base.scss file contains the main .animate css rules for animate-sass to work.

Mixins There are a couple of Sass mixins defined in helpers/_mixins.scss that some of the modules use to generate the necessary compiled css.

Settings The helpers/_settings.scss file defines a range of default Sass variables which are used by some of the animation modules. You can override the defaults in your own settings or style sass file(s).

Animation Module loading

The settings file also sets all animation modules to false (nothing gets loaded). To include an animation module in your project, simply override the $use-[moduleName] variable in your own settings file to true.

By only choosing the animation modules you need, you're keeping the compiled css at it's leanest!


// These animation modules will be included in output css
$use-fadeIn: true;
$use-fadeOut: true;


To use animate.scss in your project, you will need to have Sass installed. Visit the Sass site to find out how to do this.

Once Sass has been installed, you can download or clone this repo into your project and import animate.scss into your main Sass stylesheet.

Eg: inside css/style.scss

@import "[path-to-node_modules-or-bower_components]/animate-sass/animate";

Choose which modules you want to use in you project by overriding the variables set in the helpers/_settings.scss file in your own settings or variables file.

Eg: inside _vars.scss

// These override the default vars inside animate-sass/helpers/_settings.scss
$use-fadeIn: true;
$use-fadeOut: true;

Eg: inside css/style.scss

@import "vars"; // project's Sass vars file
@import "[path-to-node_modules-or-bower_components]/animate-sass/animate";

Finally in your markup, simply add the class animated to an element, along with any of the animation class names.

You may also want to include the class infinite for an infinite loop.

    <div class="animated fadeIn">
    	<p>Watch me fade in!</p>

That's it! You've got a CSS animated element. Super!


Animate.scss is licensed under the MIT license. http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT


Pull requests are where it's at!

Apologies in advance for the slow action on pull requests and issues. When submitting your pull request please make sure you match the naming convention (camelCase, categorised [fades, bounces, etc]).

Learn more

You can check out Dan Eden's original animate.css here. See working examples as well as how to use with javascript or creating custom css classes

Change log

See Changelog