Alpha Design System Documentation Site

Experimental design system documentation website built with 11ty and NetlifyCMS.

Local installation


Each page has Frontmatter placed at the top of the file to help format the placment, template and navigational elements of the page.

Available frontmatter options:

  • title: Name of the page. This is a required field.
  • layout: Chosen template layout. This is a required field.
  • translationKey: Unique key to link to French page.
  • eleventyNavigation: Object to place page into main navigation. Don't include if the current page doesn't need to be in the main navigation.
    • key: Unique key for navigation
    • parent: Parent node's key. Leave blank to create a top level link.
    • title: Text for navigation link.
    • locale: Language key to dictate which language the navigation item is available in. Expects en or fr.
    • samePage: Object to render same page links for page in main navigation. -0: samePage key. Increment by 1 for each additional link. -title: Text for navigation link. -url: Anchor id on page.