
LaCroix can color schemes for matplotlib

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

LaCroix Can Color Palettes for matplotlib

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To install:

pip install lacroix

To import:

import lacroix

and then all future plots will use the Pamplemousse palette.

To reset:

import matplotlib

You can plot all available palettes with lacroix.available().

You can plot any number of palettes side-by-side with lacroix.plot_palettes(*args).

For ease of integration with seaborn, you can return a list of colors from a palette and pass it as a seaborn palette:

berry = lacroix.colorList('Berry')
berry_sns = sns.color_palette(berry) #creates a seaborn palette.

See the Examples notebook for usage cases. Palettes should be set after importing seaborn.


This is licensed in the Creative Commons for Attribution and ShareAlike purposes. CC-BY-SA


Package architecture modified from wes