This action will randomly generate a github issues link with the emojii as the title in the format "emojii|..."
The original goal of this action is to use this new link PR generator to trigger another part of a user's workflow and allow them to change their profile README.
I didn't have time to fully flesh this out, but the general algorithm I had was as follows:
- User visits the GitHub user's profile README and clicks on the hyperlinked Emojii
- When the emojii is clicked, it automatically opens an isssue with the title "emojii|..."
- Once the issue is opened, it triggers the GH Action workflow that randomly selects a new emojii to replace the current one in the README and also replace the URL for the issue.
- To generate an issue URL with a random emojii, I created this action.
- Once this action generates the URL, the workflow will dynamically change the README with the emojii pasted in the title of the original issue (see step 2) and hyperlink it with the new URL generated by this action.
tl;dr this action enables users to randomly change an emojii on your README using GitHub Actions.