The Trading Post Git and Server Info

Git Repository Set-Up

  1. Open PhpStorm and create a new project named thetradingpost.
  2. Once the project has loaded, open the terminal (Option + fn + F12) and enter git init
  3. Click VCS from the menu bar and select Enable Version Control Integration. Select git from the drop down list and click OK.
  4. In the terminal type: git remote add origin ssh://username@server-ip/var/repos/thetradingpost.git
  5. Then enter: git pull origin master
  6. Enter your password

To Connect to the Server

  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Type: ssh username@server-ip
  3. Enter password

To Push to Github from the Server

  1. Once on the server, type: cd /var/repos/thetradingpost.git
  2. Enter: git push github master