
A simple demo of using Forklift to distribute & manage sysexts in a Fedora OSTree-based system

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple demo of using Forklift to distribute & manage sysexts in a Fedora OSTree-based system


This repository provides bootable OS container images (and corresponding installer ISOs) for a simple ublue-based demo for integrating Forklift with systemd-sysext in a Fedora OSTree-based system. You should not use the images provided by this repository for anything serious!


(the guide below refers to terms specific to Forklift; if you get confused, you can jump down to the Explanation section to read a long summary of what those terms mean)

Set up your VM

You will need to download the latest version of the installer ISO. To do so, go to https://github.com/ethanjli/ublue-forklift-sysext-demo/actions/workflows/build-os-base.yml (for a CLI-only OS image) or https://github.com/ethanjli/ublue-forklift-sysext-demo/actions/workflows/build-os-bluefin.yml (for an OS image with a GNOME desktop), click on the most recent workflow run which was triggered by the main branch (not any feature branches! the OS images built from feature branches are works-in-progress which are probably broken in various ways) and which completed successfully, and download the ublue-forklift-sysext-demo-latest.zip or ublue-forklift-sysext-demo-bluefin-latest.zip artifact from it; the download should be ~3 GB. The ZIP archive contains the installer ISO file; you should extract the ISO file, create a new VM with it, and proceed through the installer.

After you finish installation, restart the VM, and log in, then you should run (without sudo!):


That command will enable you to run forklift pallet switch (or forklift pallet stage) commands (described below) without having to use sudo -E and without having to set FORKLIFT_STAGE_STORE=/var/lib/forklift/stages as an environment variable for those commands.

Use a pallet

This VM image comes without a Forklift pallet on your first boot, so that you can learn how to use a pallet. This guide will use the pallet at the latest commit from the main branch of github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts and apply it to your VM in order to add a few sysexts+confexts to your VM, but you can make your own pallet and use it instead.

To clone and stage the pallet, just run:

forklift pallet switch github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts@main

(Note: if you hate typing, then you can replace pallet with plt - that's three entire keypresses saved!!)

If you run systemd-sysext status, you can confirm that there are not yet any sysexts on your system. You can also confirm that the docker, dive, crane, and nvim commands do not exist yet, by trying to run those commands. You can also confirm that the "JetBrains Mono" fonts do not exist yet, by looking for it in the list of system fonts when trying to set a custom font in the Ptyxis terminal (Ptyxis is available if you're using the Bluefin-based OS image provided by this repo).

Next, you should reboot. Then you will see new system extensions if you run systemd-sysext status. You will also see that:

  • A new service named hello-world-extension ran successfully, if you check its status with systemctl status hello-world-extension.service; and a script at /usr/bin/hello-world-extension now exists. This script and this systemd service are provided by the hello-world extension exported by the Forklift pallet github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts.
  • The docker systemd service is now running, if you check its status with systemctl status docker.service.
  • If you run sudo docker image pull alpine:latest and sudo docker image ls, you will have pulled the Docker container image for alpine:latest; similarly, you can use Docker however you want.
  • If you run sudo dive alpine:latest, you can use dive to browse/inspect the contents/structure of the alpine:latest Docker container image.
  • If you run crane export alpine:latest - | tar -tvf - | less, you can use crane to list the files in the alpine:latest Docker container image.
  • If you run nvim, you can use neovim; furthermore, if you enter the :help nvim command inside Neovim, you will see help text which is only available because the system extension which provides neovim via an Alpine Linux package also includes the neovim-doc package; files from that package are not at their usual location for Alpine Linux, which you can confirm by running ls /usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc; instead, you can find them by running ls /usr/local/neovim/usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc. And if you run readelf -a /usr/local/neovim/usr/bin/nvim | grep -i musl, you can see that nvim was compiled for dynamic library loading with musl rather than glibc.
  • If you open the Ptyxis terminal settings (assuming you're using the Bluefin-based OS image provided by this repo) and open the window to set a custom font, you will see the "JetBrains Mono" fonts appear in the font selection window.

You can switch to another pallet from GitHub/GitLab/etc. using the forklift pallet switch command; it will totally replace the contents of ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet and create a new staged pallet bundle in the stage store (which is at both ~/.local/share/forklift/stages and /var/lib/forklift/stages). Each time you run forklift pallet switch or forklift pallet stage, forklift will create a new staged pallet bundle in the stage store. You can query and modify the state of your stage store by running forklift stage show and by running other subcommands of forklift stage; if you just run forklift stage, it will print some information about the available subcommands.

Modify a pallet and use it

You can edit your local copy of the pallet, which is at ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet, either using the Forklift CLI or by directly editing YAML files in your local copy of the pallet; after making changes, you can stage (and apply) the modified pallet. Warning: if you have changes in your local pallet which you haven't pushed up to GitHub/etc. and then you run forklift pallet switch {pallet-path}@{version-query}, your modifications to your pallet will all be deleted/overwritten and replaced with the pallet you're switching to! If you are thinking of doing that, you should first commit and push your changes to GitHub/GitLab/etc. to prevent permanent loss of your changes.

With the Forklift CLI

To modify your local copy of the pallet, you can use various subcommands of forklift plt, e.g.:

  • To enable the bluefin-cli-wolfi-flix package deployment (which makes the flix-sandboxed Wolfi-based variant of the bluefin-cli sysext available to systemd), you can run forklift plt enable-depl bluefin-cli-wolfi-flix.
  • To disable the dive package deployment (which makes the dive sysext available to systemd), you can run forklift plt disable-depl dive. To re-enable the package deployment, you can run forklift plt enable-depl dive.
  • To disable the service feature flag (which provides a confext to enable docker.service as part of systemd's service startup process) in the docker package deployment, you can run forklift plt disable-depl-feat docker service. To re-enable the feature flag, you can run forklift plt enable-depl-feat docker service.

Instead of running these subcommands and then running forklift plt stage to stage your modified pallet, you can enable an optional --stage flag in these subcommands to immediately stage the pallet after modifying the pallet. For example, you can run forklift plt enable-depl --stage bluefin-cli-wolfi-flix and reboot, after which the bluefin-cli sysext will become available to systemd. So you can think of forklift plt enable-depl --stage and forklift plt disable-depl --stage as the rough (but more verbose) equivalents of systemctl enable and systemctl disable.

After staging the pallet, if you want to preview your changes without rebooting you can run sudo forklift-stage-apply-systemd. This should be safe to do for the following sysexts:

  • bluefin-cli, provided by any of the following package deployments: bluefin-cli-wolfi-flix, bluefin-cli-wolfi-flatwrap, or bluefin-cli-alpine-flatwrap
  • busybox, provided by the busybox-alpine-flix package deployment
  • crane
  • dive
  • neovim
  • ublue-dx-fonts

By editing YAML files

Alternatively, you can directly edit files in ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet and then run forklift plt stage and reboot (or run sudo forklift-stage-apply-systemd to preview your changes).

For example, to disable the dive sysext, add the line disabled: true to ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet/deployments/dive.deploy.yml, run forklift plt stage, and reboot (or run sudo forklift-stage-apply-systemd); then dive will no longer be available on your system.


What is Forklift?

Forklift is an experimental prototype tool primarily designed to make it simpler to build OS images (esp. custom images) of non-atomic Linux distros which need to provide a set of Docker Compose apps and/or a custom layer of any OS files (where the specific directories to layer should be decided by the maintainer of the custom OS image, not by Forklift); and to enable users/operators to quickly & cleanly upgrade/downgrade/reprovision their deployment of those Docker Compose apps and OS files without having to re-install the custom OS image. Currently Forklift is designed/developed/tested mainly for the Raspberry Pi OS-based operating system of a specific hardware project which is currently still tied to an older version of Raspberry Pi OS (bullseye) with a pre-sysext version of systemd. But since sysext images are also just OS files, we can repurpose Forklift to deploy a particular set of sysext images (according to a configuration specified for Forklift) onto the OS.

In Forklift, OS files (and Docker Compose apps, but we don't care about them for this demo) are modularized into Forklift packages; a package is just a directory which contains a special forklift-package.yml file and which is somewhere inside a Forklift repository, which is just a Git repository with a special forklift-repository.yml file at the root of the repository. A package can declare some files within the package's directory which should be made available at some declared paths in a special export directory (more on this later). Forklift packages and repositories are roughly analogous to Go packages and modules, respectively - except that Forklift packages/repositories cannot "import" or "include" other Forklift packages/repositories, and the path of the Forklift repository must be exactly the path of its Git repository (e.g. github.com/ethanjli/example-sysexts is valid, but github.com/ethanjli/example-sysexts/v2 and github.com/ethanjli/forklift-demos/example-sysexts are not valid repository paths); these differences from the design of Go Modules keep Forklift's design simpler for Forklift's specific use-case.

What is a "pallet"?

Forklift packages cannot be deployed/installed on their own. Instead, we create a Forklift pallet to declare the complete configuration of all Forklift packages which should be deployed on a computer. A pallet is just a Git repository with a special forklift-pallet.yml file at the root of the repository, and some other special files in a special directory structure. We can then use Forklift or Git to clone the pallet to our computer, and then we can use Forklift to stage the pallet to be applied to our computer. When Forklift stages a pallet, it copies various files into a new directory called a staged pallet bundle (look,, naming is hard; I welcome suggestions for better names) in a special directory called the stage store (again, please help me come up with a better name). Inside the staged pallet bundle is a subdirectory called exports which contains all the files declared for export by the pallet's deployed packages.

We can add a systemd service which runs during early boot (e.g. before sysinit.target or local-fs.target) and queries Forklift for the path of the staged pallet bundle which should be applied to the computer, and then bind-mounts or overlay-mounts or symlinks-to a subdirectory in that bundle's exports subdirectory for an arbitrary path on the filesystem, e.g. /usr or /etc or /var/lib/extensions or whatever you're interested in. Then we can add a systemd service which refreshes systemd's view of systemd units/sysexts/confexts/etc. The demo in this repository sets up a read-only bind-mount between /var/lib/forklift/stages/{id of the staged pallet bundle to apply}/exports/extensions and /var/lib/extensions (and likewise for /var/lib/confexts) and refreshes systemd afterwards.

What does forklift pallet switch do?

The forklift pallet switch command is intended to feel roughly familiar/intuitive to people who also use bootc switch and/or rpm-ostree rebase. Behind-the-scenes, running forklift pallet switch {path of pallet}@{version query} will:

  1. Clone the pallet as a Git repository to a local copy at ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet, and check out the latest commit of the main branch; if anything was previously at ~/.local/share/forklift/pallet, it's deleted beforehand. This step can also be run on its own with forklift pallet clone --force {path of pallet}@{version query}.
  2. Download any external Forklift repositories required by the pallet into ~/.cache/forklift/repositories. This step can also be run on its own with forklift pallet cache-repo.
  3. Run some checks to ensure that the pallet is valid, e.g. that deployed packages don't conflict with each other. This step can also be run on its own with forklift pallet check.
  4. Stage the pallet to be used on the next reboot, by creating a new staged pallet bundle in ~/.local/share/forklift/stages (which, in this OS image, is attached to /var/lib/forklift/stages via a bind-mount created by the just-setup-forklift-staging script). This step can also be run on its own with forklift pallet stage.

What does the forklift-stage-apply-systemd script do?

This script is run by the forklift-stage-apply-systemd.service systemd service as part of early (or early-ish) boot every time the OS boots up. It will:

  1. Query Forklift to determine the path of the next staged pallet bundle to be applied. This path will be a subdirectory of /var/lib/forklift/stages.
  2. Mount (or re-mount) that staged pallet bundle's exports/extensions subdirectory to /var/lib/extensions.
  3. Mount (or re-mount) that staged pallet bundle's exports/extensions subdirectory to /var/lib/confexts.
  4. Run systemd-sysext refresh.
  5. Run systemctl daemon-reload.
  6. Run systemctl restart --no-block sockets.target timers.target multi-user.target default.target. Warning: if you run forklift-stage-apply-systemd after boot, this will not attempt to stop any systemd units associated with sysexts/confexts which you've removed after boot. This is why I generally recommend just rebooting instead of running forklift-stage-apply-systemd yourself.
  7. Run forklift stage apply to update the deployed Docker Compose apps (only if there are any, and only if /var/run/docker.sock exists), and record in Forklift's stage store that the staged pallet bundle was successfully applied so that it won't be garbage-collected if you run forklift stage prune-bundles to clean up Forklift's stage store) (Note: I still need to implement some functionality in Forklift to handle the case that Docker is not installed, so for now you should just avoid running forklift stage prune-bundles unless you want to delete everything in your stage store).

Where do docker, dive, etc., come from?


The github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts pallet is configured to make Forklift download the Docker system extension .raw image provided by Flatcar Container Linux's sysext-bakery and make it available to systemd-sysext; the pallet also adds a docker-service-enablement sysext & confext which enables the docker.service unit provided by the Docker sysext, and which prepares the host so that it can run Docker (namely, adding a docker group so that docker.socket will work).


Unlike docker, dive does not have an associated pre-built system extension .raw image. Instead, the github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts pallet is configured to make Forklift download the amd64 binary from GitHub Releases and make it available to systemd-sysext as part of a system extension directory assembled and exported by Forklift.


Unlike dive, crane has an associated multi-arch Docker container image maintained by Chainguard at cgr.dev/chainguard/crane. The github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts pallet is configured to make Forklift extract the binary from either the amd64 or arm64 container image (which is automatically selected depending on the CPU architecture target of the forklift tool) and make it available to systemd-sysext as part of a system extension directory assembled and exported by Forklift.


Unlike docker, dive, and crane, nvim is not available as a statically-linked binary, so it depends on system libraries. For example, trying to run the binaries from Neovim's GitHub Releases on Alpine Linux will not work due to the lack of glibc on the system; instead, Alpine Linux's package for Neovim needs to be installed to use Neovim on Alpine Linux. The opposite is also true: trying to run a Neovim binary from Alpine Linux on a host without musl libraries will also not work.

This repository includes a GitHub Actions workflow to automatically build a multi-arch container image which includes a .raw system extension image file with nvim, using flatwrap with Alpine Linux's neovim package (which is dynamically linked against musl) to sandbox nvim in such a way that it work without any problems as a sysext on glibc-based systems. Alpine Linux's neovim-doc package is also included in the sandbox with nvim so that nvim can access the associated documentation files without having those documentation files in the usual location where they would be if installed natively on the host.

The github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts pallet is configured to make Forklift extract the system extension directory from either the amd64 or arm64 version of the resulting multi-arch container image (with the architecture automatically selected depending on the CPU architecture target of the forklift tool) and make it available to systemd-sysext.


On Fedora, fonts installed with dnf into /usr/share/fonts come with corresponding fontconfig configurations in /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail. This repository includes a GitHub Actions workflow to automatically build a [multi-arch] container image with the necessary font and fontconfig files, from a Fedora base image with the relevant Fedora font packages also installed.

The github.com/forklift-run/pallet-example-sysexts pallet is configured to make Forklift extract these font and fontconfig files from a fedora-based container image and make them available to systemd-sysext as part of a system extension directory assembled and exported by Forklift.



  • This demo disables SELinux policy enforcement because of systemd/systemd#23971 / systemd/systemd#31404 (comment), and because I don't have enough experience with SELinux to change the SELinux policy so that the overlays don't cause everything (e.g. sudo and chkpwd) to break after systemd-sysext enables filesystem overlays (or maybe it's the bind mounts I make in this demo for Forklift?), and because this is just a demo. If someone can fix the SELinux policies for this demo, please submit a pull request at https://github.com/ethanjli/ublue-forklift-sysext-demo/pulls!
  • Because Flatcar's Docker system extension images are built to only be used on hosts whose /usr/lib/os-release files include ID=flatcar and SYSEXT_LEVEL=1.0, the bootable OS container images built by this repository lie that their OS ID is flatcar instead of fedora (even though they are still just Fedora Linux). Yes, rewriting the os-release file's distro ID is a massive hack; in my defense, I don't want to maintain my own fork of Flatcar's sysext-bakery just for a demo. If/when the Universal Blue project starts releasing their own sysext images at https://github.com/ublue-os/sysext, I will use those instead of Flatcar's sysext images.
  • Docker requires a mutable /etc in order to correctly set up firewall rules with firewalld/iptables, but systemd 256 (which is supposed to make it possible to have a mutable /etc even when confexts are active) has not been released yet. As a temporary workaround, this repo uses Forklift to make a mutable overlay for /etc over the confexts; however, this makes systemd-confext status unable to detect the active confexts (even though they are indeed loaded and active).


  • To keep Forklift simple, I would prefer not to add functionality into Forklift for deduplicating large files across staged pallet bundles in Forklift's stage store. I am open to changing my mind, especially if other people can give me advice or help out with the initial design or implementation of such functionality.

  • To keep Forklift reasonably simple for my primary use-case for it and to keep it flexible enough for maintainers of custom OS images to use in different ways according to their needs, I currently do not plan to have Forklift manage FS mounts itself. So the workflow to change/update the sysexts/confexts on the system will probably always involve either:

    1. totally replacing the local pallet from a remote source, or
    2. modifying the local pallet (and then staging the modified pallet, either explicitly by running forklift plt stage afterwards or implicitly by including the --stage flag on certain pallet-modifying subcommands of forklift plt),

    and then either:

    1. rebooting (if you're on a custom OS image which integrates Forklift with /var/lib/extensions and /var/lib/confexts, such as this repo's OS image), or
    2. running some command/script which re-mounts /var/lib/extensions and /var/lib/confexts and then reloads systemd's view of the sysexts/confexts (which is what this repo's /usr/bin/forklift-stage-apply-systemd script does).

    If this workflow turns out to be too unwieldy, I'm potentially interested in the following possibilities:

    1. providing a way to use one or more shell scripts (which can include some steps to e.g. reload systemd's view of sysexts/confexts) or shell commands as a hook to be automatically run by Forklift after any operation which stages the local pallet; or
    2. adjusting the design of what is currently implemented in Forklift so that it's a bit nicer for managing sysexts/confexts, but without sacrificing usability in the other workflows which Forklift must support; or
    3. making a separate tool which uses the same internal code as Forklift but provides a CLI designed specifically for managing sysexts/confexts (and perhaps provides tighter integration for systemd and for management of FS mounts, and/or tighter integration with systemd-sysext/confext's extension paths); or
    4. something else

    but these are not high priorities for me in the near future because I am not daily-driving sysexts/confexts yet (and because the system I'm developing Forklift for has not finished its migration from Raspberry Pi OS 11 to Raspberry Pi OS 12, which adds systemd-sysext support; and because in that project I'll be using systemd-sysexts/confexts together with Forklift's other features).

    If you want to fork Forklift or lift code out of it for your own independent experiments to make something more tailored to systemd-sysext/confext workflows, please feel free to do so (but please follow the requirements of the Apache-2.0 license which Forklift is released under)! Warning: my code is still immature enough that it will probably undergo some additional major refactoring iterations, so don't expect too much in terms of quality. Also, I haven't written thorough software tests yet - I just have a few end-to-end tests on certain parts of Forklift šŸ« .

  • Forklift is a large binary (~20 MB compressed, ~60 MB uncompressed) because it's also designed as a tool to manage all Docker Compose apps deployed on a system, and the fastest/easiest way for me to implement that was to have Forklift import github.com/docker/compose/v2 as a library. Making Forklift smaller is not a priority for me in the foreseeable future, but it would be nice to do eventually - assuming it doesn't add too much complexity.