
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Finding Generalizable Evidence by Learning to Convince Q&A Models

Ethan Perez, Siddharth Karamcheti, Rob Fergus, Jason Weston, Douwe Kiela, Kyunghyun Cho

This repo contains the code for training ML agents to find evidence in a passage for various answers to a question. You can find our EMNLP paper here.

Code Overview

Our code was forked from AllenNLP (Jan 18, 2019 commit). Our paper's core code involves changes/additions to AllenNLP in the below files and folders:

allennlp/training/trainer.py The main training logic for BERT Judge Models and Evidence Agents
allennlp/commands/train.py Command line flags and initial setup to train BERT Judge Models and Evidence Agents
allennlp/data/dataset_readers/ reading_comprehension/race_mc.py and dream_mc.py Code to read RACE and DREAM datasets
allennlp/models/ reading_comprehension/bert_mc.py Code for BERT QA Models
allennlp/tests/fixtures/data/ Mini datasets files for debugging
eval/ Evidence Agent sentence selections, which we used for human evaluation (eval/mturk/)) and testing for improved Judge generalization (eval/generalization/))
fasttext/ Code for training FastText Judge Models and Search-based Evidence Agents
tf_idf/ Code for training TF-IDF Judge Models and Search-based Evidence Agents
training_config/ Config files for training models with various hyperparameters

Key arguments

In the code, we refer to the Judge Model as "judge" and Evidence Agents as "debaters," following Irving et al. 2018. All trained models trained with the allennlp train command use a BERT architecture. We use the --debate-mode flag to indicate what answer an evidence agent aims to support (during training or inference). We represent each turn as a single character:

Search Agent Learned Agent Evidence Found
For option 1
For option 2
For option 3
For option 4 (RACE-only)
E e For Every answer option per question
L l For one random answer per question ("Lawyer" - worse than "e" which ensures we train with every answer option)
W w For one random Wrong answer per question
A a For the correct answer ("Alice")
B b Against the correct answer ("Bob")
N/A f Trains a Judge Model via supervised learning

Note that "ⅰ/Ⅰ," "ⅱ/Ⅱ," "ⅲ/Ⅲ," and "ⅳ/Ⅳ," are each one roman numeral character; when using these options, just copy and paste the appropriate characters rather than typing "i/I", "ii/II," "iii/III", or "iv/IV." For our final results, we did not use options "l/L," "w/W," "a/A," or "b/B," but they are implemented and may be useful for others.

To have evidence agents take multiple turns, simply use one character per turn, stringing them together with spaces (when turns are sequential) or without spaces (when turns are simultaneous). For example, --debate-mode ⅰⅱ ⅢⅣ first will have learned agents supporting options 1 and 2 choose a sentence each (simultaneously) and then will have search agents supporting options 3 and 4 choose a sentence each (simultaneously).


Setting up a virtual environment

Conda can be used set up a virtual environment (Python 3.6 or 3.7):

  1. Download and install Conda.

  2. Create a Conda environment with Python 3.6

    conda create -n convince python=3.6
  3. Activate the Conda environment

    conda activate convince

Installing the library and dependencies

Clone this repo and move to convince/allennlp/ (where all commands should be run from):

git clone https://github.com/ethanjperez/convince.git
cd convince/allennlp

Install dependencies using pip:

pip install --editable .

Downloading Data

From the base directory (convince/allennlp/), make a folder to store datasets:

mkdir datasets

Download RACE using the Google form linked on this page. You'll immediately receive an email with a link to the dataset, which you can download with:

wget [link]
tar -xvzf RACE.tar.gz
mv RACE datasets/race_raw
rm RACE.tar.gz

Here are the RACE dataset subsets we used for short and long passages (place these in datasets/). To download Google Drive files via command line, add the following function definition to your bash profile (i.e., ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile):

function gdrive_download () {
  CONFIRM=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=$1" -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')
  wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$CONFIRM&id=$1" -O $2
  rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Then, open a new terminal (or use e.g. source ~/.bashrc) and download via the file ID of the Google Drive links above:

gdrive_download 1NtHubMpsz9CUy5_0ZMXdoU6jbJ2BHR18 num_sents_leq_12.zip
unzip num_sents_leq_12.zip
mv num_sents_leq_12 datasets/num_sents_leq_12
rm num_sents_leq_12.zip

gdrive_download 1Hjgs6XMWcSh8AAReLFbaaOy0SBHhw2dQ num_sents_gt_26.zip
unzip num_sents_gt_26.zip
mv num_sents_gt_26 datasets/num_sents_gt_26
rm num_sents_gt_26.zip

You can split RACE into middle (race_raw_middle) and high school (race_raw_high) subsets via:

cp -r datasets/race_raw datasets/race_raw_high
rm -r datasets/race_raw_high/*/middle
cp -r datasets/race_raw datasets/race_raw_middle
rm -r datasets/race_raw_middle/*/high

Download DREAM:

mkdir datasets/dream
for SPLIT in train dev test; do
 wget https://github.com/nlpdata/dream/blob/master/data/$SPLIT.json -O datasets/dream/$SPLIT.json

Here is the long passage DREAM subset we used for dev and test (place these in datasets/dream). You can download these via command line:

gdrive_download 15c1B0LRv_RMrtmycrYV1T8zK_n0jlkES datasets/dream/dev.num_sents_gt_26.json
gdrive_download 174l4d_oz5Qjyp0W8zUUK6JRxgdGqDIlf datasets/dream/test.num_sents_gt_26.json

Download BERT:

mkdir -p datasets/bert
cd datasets/bert

# Download and unzip BERT Base
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_10_18/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip
unzip uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip

# [Optional] Download and unzip BERT Large
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_10_18/uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip
unzip uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip

cd ../..

Training a BERT Judge Model

The below command gave us a BERT Base QA model (available ) with 66.32% dev accuracy at epoch 5:

allennlp train training_config/race.best.jsonnet --serialization-dir tmp/race.best.f --debate-mode f --accumulation-steps 32

You can download this model from Google Drive here (unzip it and place in tmp/) or via command line:

gdrive_download 1ymA_MziGDYonY3Ck6Wbhss7lSD7AtzX0 race.best.f.zip
unzip race.best.f.zip
mv race.best.f tmp/
rm race.best.f.zip

To train a BERT Large Judge (we needed a GPU with 32GB of memory):

allennlp train training_config/race.large.best.jsonnet --serialization-dir tmp/race.large.best.f --debate-mode f --accumulation-steps 12

Using Search Agents

The below command will load the judge model as part of an evidence agent (with dummy weights). The agent tries each possible sentence to choose a sentence:

DM=Ⅰ  # Replace with Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ to get evidence for other answers
allennlp train training_config/race.best.jsonnet --serialization-dir tmp/race.best.f.dm=$DM --judge-filename tmp/race.best.f/model.tar.gz --eval-mode --debate-mode $DM --search-outputs-path tmp/race.best.f.dm=$DM/search_outputs.pkl

The above command will pretty print the single best search-chosen evidence for the first answer option in every RACE validation example. The results will be saved to a json file starting with debate_log in the serialization directory tmp/race.best.f.dm=$DM. You can also change the evaluation dataset by copying training_config/race.best.jsonnet into a new config file and changing validation_data_path: datasets/race_raw/dev to validation_data_path: datasets/race_raw/test. You can change the training dataset in a similar way; if you're just running inference/evaluation (as you are for search agents), you can save the time to load RACE's training set by changing train_data_path: datasets/race_raw/train to train_data_path: allennlp/tests/fixtures/data/race_raw/train (tiny slice of the dataset).

To show a more complicated example, here's how you can run round-robin evidence selections with multiple turns (6 per agent):

for DM in ⅠⅡ ⅠⅢ ⅠⅣ ⅡⅢ ⅡⅣ ⅢⅣ; do
 allennlp train training_config/race.best.jsonnet --serialization-dir tmp/race.best.f.dm=${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM} --judge-filename tmp/race.best.f/model.tar.gz --eval-mode --debate-mode $DM $DM $DM $DM $DM $DM --search-outputs-path tmp/race.best.f.dm=${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM}_${DM}/search_outputs.pkl

Training Learned Agents

With the below commands, you can train a learned agent to predict the search-chosen sentence:

# Learn to predict search-chosen sentence
# We got 56.8% accuracy at Epoch 6
allennlp train training_config/race.best.debate.sl.lr=5e-6.jsonnet --judge-filename tmp/race.best.f/model.tar.gz --debate-mode e --search-outputs-path tmp/race.best.f/search_outputs.pkl --accumulation-steps 12 --reward-method sl --serialization-dir tmp/race.e.c=concat.bsz=12.lr=5e-6.m=sl

# Learn to predict the Judge Model's probability given each sentence
# We got 55.1% accuracy at predicting the search-chosen sentence at Epoch 5
allennlp train training_config/race.best.debate.sl.lr=1e-5.jsonnet --judge-filename tmp/race.best.f/model.tar.gz --debate-mode e --search-outputs-path tmp/race.best.f/search_outputs.pkl --accumulation-steps 12 --reward-method sl-sents --serialization-dir tmp/race.e.c=concat.bsz=12.lr=1e-5.m=sl-sents

# Learn to predict the Judge Model's change in probability given each sentence
# We got 54.3% accuracy at predicting the search-chosen sentence at Epoch 4
allennlp train training_config/race.best.debate.sl.lr=1e-5.jsonnet --judge-filename tmp/race.best.f/model.tar.gz --debate-mode e --search-outputs-path tmp/race.best.f/search_outputs.pkl --accumulation-steps 12 --reward-method sl-sents --influence --serialization-dir tmp/race.e.c=concat.bsz=12.lr=1e-5.m=sl-sents.i

Training to convergence takes roughly 1 week on a v100 (16GB). During the first epoch, we run a search agent to find the judge predictions given each sentence. We then cache the judge predictions to the file specified after --search-outputs-path. The cached predictions are used throughout the rest of the training (i.e., epochs after the first are faster). If you've already train a supervised model, you can save time by training other models simply using the cached predictions from training that model (as in the commands above).

Implementation Notes

  • The code also support the following training options that we don't use in the paper, most notably:
    • Reinforcement Learning to train evidence agents. You can train agents to maximize the Judge's probability on an agent's answer by setting --reward-method prob. RL agents could learn to convince the Judge of correct answers (~70% of the time vs. ~80% for supervised learning agents). However, we couldn't really get RL agents to learn to convince the Judge of incorrect answers (RL agents performed marginally better than random sentence selection).
    • --qa-loss-weight W: Give agents an auxiliary supervised, question-answering loss with weight W. W=1 just adds the extra QA loss to the loss for predicting the Judge's behavior. In our experiments, this option did not clearly improve agents' ability to convince the Judge.
    • --theory-of-mind: Have agents use the Judge's activations (after the Judge reads the passage) as an auxiliary input. In our experiments, this option did not clearly improve agents' ability to convince the Judge.
  • Make a new training_config file to change the pre-trained weights, training or validation data, or training hyperparameters. It's easiest to modify an existing config (i.e., training_config/race.best.jsonnet).
    • Increase batch_size for faster training if you have more GPU memory. Decrease the value for --accumulation-steps by the same factor (to maintain the same effective training batch size).
    • Avoid loading the training set to save time while debugging or only running inference/validation. To do so, replace train_data_path: datasets/race_raw/train to train_data_path: allennlp/tests/fixtures/data/race_raw/train (a tiny slice of the dataset). If debugging, you can also replace validation_data_path: datasets/race_raw/train to validation_data_path: allennlp/tests/fixtures/data/race_raw/train to save time and to check that you can overfit the training set.
  • If you have any issue, feel free to email Ethan


If you find our code or paper useful, consider citing us:

    title = "Finding Generalizable Evidence by Learning to Convince Q\&A Models",
    author = "Perez, Ethan and Karamcheti, Siddharth and Fergus, Rob and Weston, Jason and Kiela, Douwe and Cho, Kyunghyun",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Hong Kong, China",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.05863"