
A Kotlin mini library for math expression string evaluation

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


A Kotlin Multiplatform mini library for string evaluation

Kotlin Maven Central

(You may need to watch out using it: having to evaluate a string into a number is more often than not a code smell)


You can import Keval directly with the jar files, or using your favorite dependency manager with the Maven Central repository:



Gradle (here with KotlinDSL)

repositories {

dependencies {

(In case you're using it with another language than Kotlin -- i.e. Java --, make sure you include kotlin stdlib too)


Keval can evaluate a mathematical expression as a String into a Double value.

Keval has full support for all classic binary operators:

  • Subtraction -
  • Addition +
  • Multiplication *
  • Division /
  • Exponent ^
  • Remainder (mod) %

Keval has support for functions of variable arity, it has one built-in function:

  • Negate/Oppose neg(expr) (where 'expr' is an expression)

Keval has support for constants, it has two built-in constant:

  • π PI
  • e e (Euler's number)

You can optionally add as many binary operators, functions or constants to Keval, as long as you define every field properly, with a DSL (Domain Specific Language):

  • A binary operator is defined by:
    • its symbol (a Char that is NOT a digit, nor a letter, nor an underscore)
    • its precedence/priority level (a positive Int)
    • its associativity (a Boolean true if left associative, false otherwise)
    • its implementation (a function (Double, Double) -> Double)
  • A function is defined by:
    • its name (a non-empty String identifier, that doesn't start with a digit, and only contains letters, digits or underscores)
    • its arity/number of arguments (a positive (or 0) Int)
    • its implementation (a function (DoubleArray) -> Double)
  • A constant is defined by:
    • its name (a non-empty String identifier, that doesn't start with a digit, and only contains letters, digits or underscores)
    • its value (a Double)

Keval will use the built-in operators, function and constants if you choose not to define any new resource ; but if you choose to do so, you need to include them manually. You may also choose to use Keval as an extension function.

You can use it in several ways:

Keval.eval("(3+4)(2/8 * 5) % PI") // uses default resources

"(3+4)(2/8 * 5) % PI".keval() // extension ; uses default resources

Keval { // DSL instance
    includeDefault() // this function includes the built-in resources
    operator { // this DSL adds a binary operator ; you can call it several times
        symbol = ';'
        precedence = 3
        isLeftAssociative = true
        implementation = { a, b -> a.pow(2) + b.pow(2) }
    function { // this DSL adds a function ; you can call it several times
        name = "max"
        arity = 2
        implementation = { args -> max(args[0], args[1]) }
    constant { // this DSL adds a constant ; you can call it several times
        name = "PHI"
        value = 1.618
}.eval("2*max(2, 3) ; 4 + PHI^2")

"2*max(2, 3) ; 4 + PHI^2".keval { // DSL instance + extension
    operator {
        symbol = ';'
        precedence = 3
        isLeftAssociative = true
        implementation = { a, b -> a.pow(2) + b.pow(2) }
    function {
        name = "max"
        arity = 2
        implementation = { args -> max(args[0], args[1]) }
    constant {
        name = "PHI"
        value = 1.618

The advantage of using Keval {} is that you may keep an instance of it in a variable so that you can call as many eval as you need.

In concordance with creating a Keval instance, you can also add resources like this:

val kvl = Keval()
    .withDefault() // includes default resources // it is unnecessary here since Keval() with no DSL already does it
    .withOperator( // includes a new binary operator
        ';', // symbol
        3, // precedence
        true // isLeftAssociative
    ) { a, b -> a.pow(2) + b.pow(2) } // implementation
    .withFunction( // includes a new function
        "max", // name
        2 // arity
    ) { max(it[0], it[1]) } // implementation
    .withConstant( // includes a new constant
        "PHI", // name
        1.618 // value

kvl.eval("2*max(2, 3) ; 4 + PHI^2")

This can be combined with creating an instance with a DSL (i.e. Keval {}). This is an especially useful syntax for Java users, since DSLs generally don't translate well over it.

Creating a resource with a name that already exists will overwrite the previous one.

Keval assumes products/multiplications, and as such, the * symbol/name cannot be overwritten, and is the only operator to always be present in the resource set of a Keval instance:

"(2+3)(6+4)".keval() == "(2+3)*(6+4)".keval()

Error Handling

In case of an error, Keval will throw one of several KevalExceptions:

  • KevalZeroDivisionException in the case a zero division occurs
  • KevalInvalidExpressionException if the expression is invalid, with the following properties:
    • expression contains the fully sanitized expression
    • position is an estimate of the position of the error
  • KevalInvalidSymbolException if the expression contains an invalid operator, with the following properties:
    • invalidSymbol contains the actual invalid operator
    • expression contains the fully sanitized expression
    • position is an estimate of the position of the error
  • KevalDSLException if, in the DSL, one of the field is either not set, or doesn't follow its restrictions (defined above)

KevalZeroDivisionException is instantiable so that you can throw it when implementing a custom operator/function.

Future Plans

  • Support for variables (will produce a DoubleArray instead of a single Double)